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Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
if yes, how did you manage to convince your doctor?

My doctor told me about it, and he has one ME patient in her mid 70's on it now. She seems to really like it, I'm told, however its described as - then crash afterwards. Well, thats not my strategy for managing this. I suspect he heard about it from the Stanford/Davis group. My Primary Care Physician actually had some awareness of all this, and gave me a SEID diagnosis in 5 minutes with no signficant testing to rule out anything else.

so my doctor wrote me a script, and it seemed that four pharmacies here locally could not obtain it but the fifth did. My insurance won't cover the RX as they consider it off label. My doctor actually called them to try to convince them to authorize it, to no avail. I witnessed this half hour exercise in being transferred 5 times to the people who allow doctors to treat patients.

So I bought it once, myself, took half a pill one afternoon (50 mgs) and decided that I did not like the feeling. Being a bit more alert to my illness is not: desirable. I also started to clean the kitchen floor, instead of merely considering that the floor needed cleaning. And I got a mild headache.

so I have 9 more and have yet to decide to ever take one. About 70$. My doctor got mad about this: he wrote I was non-compliant. I think I hurt his feelings. Perhaps I was just supposed to view it as a pill that might help me get thru the airport (an issue at the time I got them). Well, I crashed for three weeks at least after getting thru the airport. How long would that had gone on, Had I taken the Modafinl?