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Moderna plans on developing a therapeutic EBV vaccine

Could help prevent a substantial number of ME/CFS cases in future generations if this vaccine is added to the schedule, not to mention totally eradicating multiple sclerosis, which is strongly linked to certain variants of EBV.

I don't think a vaccine will eradicate the virus, all it does is mitigate the damage the virus does initially because the body was primed with the vaccine.

Comprehensive Crispr therapies will be the way to do it, in addition to antivirals.

Until then, anyone having trouble with EBV I would suggest taking Zidovudine or Tenofovir alafenamide.


Senior Member
I don't think a vaccine will eradicate the virus, all it does is mitigate the damage the virus does initially because the body was primed with the vaccine.

A vaccine will not eliminate a virus once you have caught it, and once the virus has insinuated itself into your cells as a persistent latent virus. Latent EBV lives in the B-cells.

But if you are vaccinated before you catch the virus, then the robust immune response the virus meets from day 1 can prevent the virus from establishing a persistent infection in the first place.


This is such good news. It's so sad to think of more young people getting ME after EBV every year. Maybe this can lower the numbers over time.

I guess there's always the hope it could help some of us as well.


I don't think a vaccine will eradicate the virus, all it does is mitigate the damage the virus does initially because the body was primed with the vaccine.
It seems like some viral vaccines just lower viral impact (COVID vaccine, flu vaccine) but many prevent viral establishment (Polio, Hep B, HPV, Small Pox).
Shingles vaccine even helps the body battle the virus even after it has established itself.
I'm hopeful that it will prevent infection. Maybe hoping that it would help the body to recognize established infection is too much to ask for, but it is possible.

Until then, anyone having trouble with EBV I would suggest taking Zidovudine or Tenofovir alafenamide.

Any reason you would suggest Zidovudine or Tenofovir over Valacyclovir? (I'm currently taking Valacyclovir for EBV)
Any reason you would suggest Zidovudine or Tenofovir over Valacyclovir? (I'm currently taking Valacyclovir for EBV)

tenofovir, like acyclovir is also acyclic. You can view how powerful it is against ebv here: https://www.pnas.org/content/pnas/117/22/12368.full.pdf
Part of the the reason it is so much more effective is the intracellular (drug inside a cell) is much Much longer than acyclovir, like 72 hours instead of 30-45 minutes.

Zidovudine also significantly inhibits NF-kappaB (NF-kB) which is why I think it helps the body to eradicate reservoirs of EBV. The virus changes the environment to prevent the body from detecting it's presence and Zidovudine helps to change that with EBV. Read up on it, there's lots of case studies on the web.

I don't know though, I've shared a lot of info with people. I'm just not sure if people can't understand or just like to talk and not do anything about it...
I would think if you are in so much pain you'd try different things until something really worked.

When I was sick my opinion and respect for doctors or medical professionals significantly dipped. Luckily you can get a lot of the drugs that are effective without a doctors approval.


@andyman123 Thank you, I will look into this and through some of your posts. I have been taking valacyclovir for about 3 months and have improved, but symptoms worsen if I stop it even for a day. I haven't educated myself yet, so I am not really qualified to comment further. Thanks again.


Senior Member
U.S., Earth
Eh f******* hell.

Some time in the future I'll make a video series, with me, going through all the drugs and unboxing them from the different companies.
I'll get some hate but it'll big good info for many of the people hurting out there that can actually do something about it. Some people might be scared ordering from overseas but I'll go through all of it.

Anyway good luck to you @Shanti1 keep trying stuff and you'll get better.