MMS and MMS Enemas
I used 10 drops of activated MMS in an enema.If you do a google search you can get more info. I myself do not know if MMS is safe or not although I took it orally a few times with no ill effect.But I felt I had to take the risk and do something because nothing could stop candida overgrowth. MMS enema was milder than the ACV one.
Hi SaraM,
Thanks much for posting about your experiences. Takes a certain amount of courage to post about either MMS or enemas, as there are plenty of closed-minded detractors who often come up with any number of critical comments regarding either of them.
I've experimented a fair amount with MMS in the past, including using it in enemas. I'll copy and paste a fairly long description of my own experiences below, but for those who do not want to read it all, I'll just mention that I could only tolerate about 1 drop of MMS in an enema, which is much less than the 10 drops used by Sara.
Also Sara, does ACV refer to apple cider vinegar? Also, I was wondering in what way you thought MMS was milder than ACV. Was the ACV too intense for you, or just not as effective? Just curious about some of your experiences, as I feel various types of retention enemas can be very powerful modalities, and am always open to which ones might be helpful and supportive for myself.
Thanks again for posting your experiences.
Best Regards, Wayne
Originally Posted on the ProHealth Board on 8-4-08
8/4/08 11:37 PM
MMS Update - Going Good
Hi All,
I’ve had a few developments in the past 3-4 weeks, so thought I’d get them down in writing before I forget completely about them. Just to mention, my normal intake these days is 6 drops in the morning, and 3 drops in the evening. I often skip the evening dose if I feel I want to take a bit of a break.
1) I’ve had a chronic rash on my torso for may years, which often cycles in its severity. Even though it can hardly be seen, the dots can become extremely itchy. For a long time, I’ve suspected it was my body's attempt to eliminate metabolic waste products from a micro-inhabitant my body was harboring, whether Lyme or something else. Anyway, about two weeks ago, it all of a sudden disappeared and hasn’t returned. My best guess is that it’s the MMS that is responsible for this turn of events.
2) I became aware just in the past few days that a type of neuropathy I’ve experienced, in which the surface of my skin all of a sudden becomes very sensitive and painful to the touch, has disappeared since starting the MMS in April. This would mostly show up on my torso about every week or so and last about 2-3 days. I’ve been so focused on some of the other things going on, I didn’t realize it until very recently.
3) I’ve been able to get a pretty good sense of how much MMS to take because of an achiness I begin to feel in my back if I take too much. This reminds me of an MMS Lyme blog which described the intense back pain that was associated with her Lyme die off. Just another reason I suspect I’m dealing with Lyme.
I’m creating kind of a second section here because I started a new experiment a week ago or so in which I started using activated MMS in a coffee enema. I did my research on it, discovered it is considered to be as effective as IV MMS, and is generally considered as safe as oral MMS. --- I know some people can get a bit squeamish reading or talking about enemas, colon health, etc., so if if this applies, you may want to skip this section and go to some concluding remarks at the end.
Since I had been doing oral MMS for three months, and was averaging anywhere from 6-9 drops daily, I felt comfortable starting out with a 3-drop dosage. I was surprised how much 3 drops impacted me, but it was not more than what I could handle. I took a day off, and tried two drops; took another day off and did one drop. I’m going to go forward with 1 drop every other day for the time being.
My take on it so far, is that it is able to effect things in different and more powerful ways. I would say it is more powerful than the oral ingestion by about a factor of 2-4. My brief experience with this has made me very cognizant of the fact that I’m going from using a very powerful modality to an even more powerful one.
I’ve had long-standing GI and colon problems, but my many different healing protocols have brought significant improvements over the years. One thing I still deal with however, is an occasional tenderness in my colon, so I was a bit concerned what effect the MMS might have on this. I quickly noticed three things after starting the MMS enemas.
1) The tenderness in my colon began to noticeably decrease.
2) The liver reflex points in my hands and feet, which could also be somewhat tender, began to feel much less sensitive.
3) I began to have occasional brief sneezing spells.
(I don’t know if anybody here is a Star Trek fan, but in one episode, Worf got a cold, and was sneezing quite a bit. Jordie made a comment at one point that when he sneezed, it shook the whole spaceship. Well, some of my sneezes have sort of felt like Klingon sneezes (I don‘t look like Worf however). It can kind of feel like the whole house is shaking. Alea concurs.)
Concluding Remarks
I’ve been continuing to browse various MMS sites and read lots of testimonials. Even though there is controversy out there as to how safe MMS is, my own experience and that of others convinces me that it is safe enough for me to continue with my experimentation. I will say that I do believe it’s possible there may be some detrimental effects to using MMS, but my take is that these effects would likely be less detrimental that many other types of therapies (such as chemotherapy). I look at MMS as a powerful therapy which I feel requires a lot of vigilance. Also, a necessary thing for a very difficult health condition.
As I go forward, I feel I’m beginning to understand to a greater degree just how many layers of illness I may be plowing through. I remember reading once a long time ago where a health care professional made the statement that “disease has weight”. This perspective is very much in my mind as I go forward.
Even though my dosages have been fairly steady now for several weeks, I notice I tend to go in cycles, where I can feel unusually well for a while, only to once again go into a down cycle. The overall trend continues to be upward however. This long ongoing process, which I’ve never been able to do before starting on the MMS, makes me feel that the MCB protocol I’m currently doing will end up being more effective because of the concurrent pathogen dieoff from the MMS.
Regards, Wayne
Here's a link to the entire thread:
Jump Starting Mitochondria with MMS ?