JIm Humble has been around for over 15 years promoting MMS.
He has had all of these years to provide some kind of proof what he claims is true. He claims AIDS can be cured with MMS. Let's make it simple -- why is there zero proof using before and after tests for HIV, so simple. He has no proof. He claims MMS cures Cancer -- how, where is the proof. The hallmark of quackery is somebody selling a product that cures numerous diseases. How about his so called malaria tests -- no proof of this either.
So why believe any of his claims. The answer is you shouldn't.. MMS cannot and does not work the way he states. You can't swallow a form of bleach which then selectively hunts down cancer cells, HIV, bacteria, etc. It's not possible. If this were true then there would be no illness. Millions of people have purchased MMS and millions of people are still sick. Speaks volumes. I have researched this for years. This kind of thing should be ignored. MMS has no physiological effects beyond causing nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea when taken in quantities that the GI tract can't tolerate.
For those that find MMS has positive effects, by what mechanism does this work because from all my education in anatomy and physiology and research, there is no explanable reason that would make sense. MMS is dangerous and really, I hate seeing it pushed as any kind of protocol for ME.
Grow breasts with MMS?
This again is another mind boggling claim. Jim Humble does not make it, but he certainly takes credit for it. Chapter 23 of his book is titled "The MMS Adventures of a Grade School Teacher in Mexico." and Jim's own introduction reads
"You may have wondered just what might really be done with the MMS, really! Well, read this:"
He himself is obviously endorsing this story as legitimate. I want to make it perfectly clear, you can't argue "but it's just a story someone wrote", because so are all the other testimonials. If Jim Humble takes the credit for the story then he must accept the bad with the good. He can't just take the credit and ignore the criticism.
Moving right along. I am quoting directly from his own book:
The next day I called to find out how they were doing. (After taking MMS) They pointed out that the daughter, Patty Souaza, had not had her period for six months, plus she had not yet developed breasts. She had a large chest, but no breasts had shown. Yet, that morning breasts about the size of a small lime had begun to develop. At that time I suggested the daughter take another dose on Thursday which was 4 days later. When I called on Thursday she mentioned that her large chest had formed into full size breasts and she now had her period for the first time in six months.
I've heard some tall tales but by this story I am just dumbfounded. I hope you are too.
When a person claims that bleach can grow breasts, it's time to pause and think about it.