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mitodicure..promising or not?


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Are there any such herbalists in the UK does anyone know?
I have been to a few herbalists in the UK, both TCM and traditional western and the western one despite having lots of certificates proclaiming her qualifications didn't really know much IMO. The TCM ones helped a little and it was what helped me find a very useful herb. However they could not really solve it despite TCM having herbs which could go some way to destroying the pathogens if used correctly with other things. It's the research which sucks, driven by false information propagated by drug companies attempting to preserve their drug sales. When someone else finally works it out it could have devastating consequences which is why there is so much false research to maintain the false information. Almost all the information on "leaky gut" is false and incorrect. I strongly disagree with the term "leaky gut" but even a perfect digestive system is leaky by nature. It is the degree of permeability which is crucial and permeability is affected by pathogens. I won't go into details about how and why but my ideas explain everything related to ME. The only research which gets closer than most other ME research is the research by Daniel Vipond where his research was funded by a ME charity. Sadly it didn't actually find where the pathogen(s) are located. I however did just after he began his research in Jan 2014. Unfortunately in 2015 I was bitten by a tick and developed lyme disease despite no positive lyme test and still no test for Bartonella which is causing me serious problems and could yet kill me.

A role for a leaky gut and the intestinal microbiota in the pathophysiology of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) - Daniel T. Vipond
That largely guesses what the problem is but that is still substantially more advanced than most research on Increased Digestive Permeability. When the biofilm(s) have been eliminated the human digestive system will heal the digestive system without consuming Glutamine/glutamic acid etc. It heals fairly quickly within about 20 minutes, or did so in me when I destroy approx 2/3rds of the largest biofilm but not the one causing my ME which is very highly resistant. Without correcting that it is like sticking a plaster on a broken leg because it will not stop the damaging inflammation or the bodily control exerted by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. I strongly believe that there is a cover up which is trying to make it seem like people can "think" their way out of ME. Thinking will not destroy pathogenic biofilm protected micro-organisms.

Everything adds up when you think correctly and approach it from the correct angle.

Of the four large biofilms, I am certain what the one that I partly destroy is, Staph sp. and the one which causes my ME I believe could be Klebsiella pneumoniae but the other two I have no clue as to what pathogens are responsible. All of these affect the permeability of my colon causing a massive amount of LPS absorption. I am now looking at Candida because that might be part of those other two biofilms, despite not really having any symptoms of Candida. They could potentially also be protozoa. Nothing I have ever taken has affected them to my knowledge, at least no symptoms. Whereas the other two have on many occasions to some degree.