Mithocondriel function test

I did the mithocondriel function profil blod test at Dr shows very bad energi production at the cell level..Its very bad..i have just 15% energi to use???is this mean that i have ME ??? I have ofcourse fatique and cognitive problems but is this correct ..that this test shows that you have ME ..are mithocondriel dysfunktion menas ME/cfs?????


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Hi Mimi, the test will certainly tell you if you are sick, however I do not believe it is specific to M.E/CFS. Mnay other illnesses may also show these abnormalities - anough work has not been done on this to tell yet.

For now I think most people who have symptoms that meet the Canadian or ICC criteria for M.E/CFS or a diagnosis of M.E/CFS from a doctor AND test results from Dr Myhill showing abnormalities that frequently occur in PWME can be presumed to be suffering from M.E.

If you have been judged as only having 15% ability then you must be very sick and I urge you to instantly rest as much as possible - with absolutely no pushing at all. For me aggressive rest therapy was the first part in beginning to feel a little better (but it is a very very slow process)

Would you be interested in posting your results here so that we can see them and maybe comment?

all the best,
ATP levels, 1,42(normal 1'6-2,9)
RatioATP/ATP 0,52. ( normal more then 0,65)
Mithocondriel function score 0,15. (Normal 1,00-3,00)

Its bad..Its very bad:((((


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Hi Mimi - what i'm really interested in are the other results - I can see from these numbers that your production of ATP is low - what about CO Q10, carnitine, TP function, Krebs cycle, antioxidant levels, magnesium related ATP, Glutathione etc - these all used to be included as part of the over all test - oh and cell free DNA is a useful marker.

These more detailed results will show where some of the problems may lie and what supplements etc you can take to try and help. The cell free DNA can be a marker of many things, but if its high then you are certainly pushing way too much and need to slow down even further. I found that NO amount sof supplements etc helped until I stopped doing everything and rested all the time. I have to warn you though that although this approach tends to help in the long run, it can lead to an initial worsening of symptoms, especially fatigue.

Other than that I think the best way forward is not with this test (which is a bit general) but with more in depth testing of the immune system and for active or reactivated infections, which can be treated.

All the best,
Justy x