Oh Puhleez
I'm still in this crash, feeling brutal, but would feel worse if I didn't say something. Esther, what the SAM HILL were you thinking by writing something so inflammatory?

Let me get this straight:
- We've been advised that the Cornell Mikovits talk is a private one, in which Dr Mikovits can openly discuss potentially unpublished XMRV materials. Private, so they can accelerate the science forward without premature disclosures.
- We're well aware that many people view these pages, and members of the public (i.e. us) have been discreetly asked to please not attend the Cornell talk, to allow science to progress. Surely you realize that scientific synergy is good for this patient community?
- You openly - no blatantly - post the following:
It's the unpublished data I want to know about!!
Anyone going to slip on a white-coat and sneak in for us? A bugging opperation?
Esther, shame on you for being so inflammatory. It is immaterial whether your post was a tasteless joke, an intentional goading of XMRV researchers, or just a male blonde moment. Your post gives all of us patients a bad name. Please shake your head. Consider that your post comes across as a bizarre, tasteless, and unprofessional "call to arms". And show a little insight and restraint. The last thing patients want to do is to alienate the very researchers who are pulling us out of the dark ages.
Posting inflammatory and public comments on this forum that transparently encourage patients to flout the explicit, and very reasonable requests of the researchers that are
most helping us patients is beyond bizarre -it's destructive. After all, you
want CFS patients to get quality, evidence-based diagnostics and care. Don't you?