Migraine treatment that works


Senior Member
Hi everyone,

I know some people on here suffer from migraines. My father used to suffer from them very badly and tried everything over about 30 years. Eventually, he had a treatment called EMDR which is non invassive, non drug, and works pretty much instantly. We were quite surprised it worked actually, but it did.

My dad, David, is trained in giving EMDR already because of his background in therapy. He has now started offering this treatment to other people. Check out his site:


He offers a free session with no obligation so if migraines are a big problem for you then it worth you looking at - you should benefit straight away so you wont need to book any sessions before seeing it work. Its in the UK, but he might be able to help people via Skype, i dont know, but its worth asking if you are not in the UK.

Hope this helps someone.


Senior Member
My best friend and my daughter both got migraines with strong atmospheric pressure changes. Treximet stopped those migraines in their tracks.


Senior Member
I found that even when I took away dairy and severely limited chocolate, I was still left with the menstrual migraines. Hormonal contraception makes the ME worse, so there's not much I can do about that. At least I did finally figure out, after 18 years of migraine, that the combination of co-codamol and valium works most of the time for them. Bloody awkward due to side effects, but for occasional use it can still be worth it. Magnesium doesn't make a noticeable difference for me, although I take that too, both regularly and some extra with the co-codamol/valium (if nothing else, it counteracts the constipating effect of the codeine). Migraines are notoriously difficult to treat by either conventional or alternative medicine. Which is, of course, why your average migraineur is desperate to find anything at all that might work, and why I've never heard of a migraine treatment in either camp which works for everyone.

I'm looked at that EMDR site, and it says that it's not to be used for a list of medical conditions (some rather odd - gallstones can cause migraines?) followed by "or any disease where the etiology of the headache is primarily medical in nature". There's a lot of talk about PTSD and trauma as well. Are they saying that migraines are psychosomatic or something, then? I've been snooping through a book on trigger point therapy recently, and it noted that it's only for pain in the head area where doctors are so quick to assume that it's psychological in origin. They don't tend to do this with, say, unexplained calf pain. Anyway, the site doesn't really explain how EMDR should theoretically work to treat migraines, which is a pity. Though it's incorrect in stating that all migraines are one-sided: only 2/3 of them are.

Snowathlete, it's great that your dad has found something that works and is passing on what he knows, but you might want to suggest to him that it would help if he put up a lot more information on his website, and also had it proofread for typos and so forth. It's an interesting-sounding treatment and I'd be happy to learn more about it.


Senior Member
My best friend and my daughter both got migraines with strong atmospheric pressure changes. Treximet stopped those migraines in their tracks.

This happened to me and I couldn't figure out what was going on - it was low seratonin in my case. Was never one to get headaches before except for the occasional mild sinus headache, but these new ones were severe & disabling.

Visits to ENT, allergist, neurologist with a CT Scan & an MRI. He didn't know what could be wrong, and at last visit gave me a sample of Treximet & said something about Seratonin, then a light bulb finally went off in my mind - months before I had weaned off of an anti-depressant given to me years ago for hot flashes, and apparently I was having seratonin withdrawal - that was causing the headaches for me.

Supplemented with L-Trypotophan. That stopped working after 6 months for some odd reason; I now take 5-HTP and L-Theanine.
What are some common migraine medicines? I believe my migraines are weather related. I get a nasty one every time a storm rolls in. I've tried sinus medicines, excedrin migraine, advil with coffee, a humidifier, nothing works. My head hurts so bad and I get so nauseaus I throw up. I was wondering if prescription migraine meds have any effect on weather related migraines, and what side effects they have? Can someone on birth control take them? Thanks.
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Senior Member
This happened to me and I couldn't figure out what was going on - it was low seratonin in my case. Was never one to get headaches before except for the occasional mild sinus headache, but these new ones were severe & disabling.

Visits to ENT, allergist, neurologist with a CT Scan & an MRI. He didn't know what could be wrong, and at last visit gave me a sample of Treximet & said something about Seratonin, then a light bulb finally went off in my mind - months before I had weaned off of an anti-depressant given to me years ago for hot flashes, and apparently I was having seratonin withdrawal - that was causing the headaches for me.

Supplemented with L-Trypotophan. That stopped working after 6 months for some odd reason; I now take 5-HTP and L-Theanine.

Weird. :D I wonder what serotonin has to do with atmospheric changes...? It wouldn't surprise me though, if my daughter and best friend both had serotonin issues.

FWIW, my daughter hasn't had a migraine since her hhv-6 infection started to clear up about a year into Valcyte treatment. I wonder if encephalitis is a factor in ME-related migraines...? Lots of wonderings, not many answers. :D


Senior Member
They aren't saying that migraines are psychological - only the EMDR is primarily used to treat things like trauma and it's understood how and why that works. No one really knows why EMDR works for migraines, but then who cares so long as it does work.

A lot of people think they have migraines when really they don't. For those who have migraines, traditional treatments on the whole don't have much effect and/or have side effects.

This works very well, quickly, without side effects, and is not expensive (in fact it's free to try).

The site does need to be proof read, that's true, but until it is I hope that doesn't put anyone off. If anyone wants to know more they can always give him a ring or drop an email, I'm sure he would be happy to answer your questions.