Might go to Dr. Klimas' office


Senior Member
Thanks for all this information. It's always great to hear stories of people getting better!

I'm sorry to hear that Hannah isn't there any longer. She was very helpful.

Where are they moving to, and when?


Senior Member
Wetumpka Alabama
Dr. Klimas said she was told the renovation at the new clinic at Nova University in Davie, Florida would be finished in August. She will have a research lab, train doctors , see patients and the works. Contractors are always slow though so I bet it will be later. The Miami clinic will remain open, last I knew anyway. I don't know if Dr. K will divide her time or Dr. Rey will have the Miami clinic.


Marg: I am also curious on your amino acid test and stool. Can please you tell us where and how to order and the name???



Senior Member
Dr. Klimas said she was told the renovation at the new clinic at Nova University in Davie, Florida would be finished in August. She will have a research lab, train doctors , see patients and the works. Contractors are always slow though so I bet it will be later. The Miami clinic will remain open, last I knew anyway. I don't know if Dr. K will divide her time or Dr. Rey will have the Miami clinic.

It's been disappointing so far. I used to be able to get some information between appointments but with this move my requests and calls have gone into a black hole. I hope this changes because it's making things very difficult for me right now!


Senior Member
Can someone please recommend a CFS doctor in Houston, who also may be open to using GcMAF?

thank you!!!!


Senior Member
Wetumpka Alabama
Regarding the huge test that showed so much, it was with Metametrix. It was Ion Panel with 40 amino acids. It was 18 pages. You do not need a doctor to get it. It is expensive but showed so much, it was worth every penny. It is not paid by insurance. I then had the GI Function test (paid for by insurance if you do not go through Direct Labs). I think you need a doctor to order it and they will file. Both places have sites. The prices are reduced rates. They seem to be top notch. Thanks Rich! The results go to your computer and they will send to any doctor. I just printed it out for mine. I never would have known about the parasites if I had not had the test with especially B deficiencies and I was taking a lot.. I was thought to have a bacterial infection so GI Function test to find out what and how to treat. I did not have bacteria I had 2 parasites. I was tested twice before and I was always clean but maybe they did not do such a good job. I had a dcotor tell me that the only ones that really know how to find parasites are vets. Well, Metametrix found them.

I hope to start the protocol soon, if my doctor here goes in to clean his desk tomorrow and he sees the protocol.. He will be away a month. I have a feeling it is not going to be fun but could be a missing part of the puzzle. How can one get totally well with the critters getting all the goodies? In the meantime I am getting B Complex injections once a week to bypass the critters in the small intestine.


Senior Member
Marg, I did the Metametrix test a year ago, and again last month. They haven't found any parasites. What would I learn from the Ion Panel that might be of use to Dr. Rey in August?


Senior Member
Since Hannah is no longer there it will take a while for someone new to learn the ropes I would think. She had it down ro a science.

We can only hope. But it may be a side effect of expanding the practice. It was a somewhat collegial atmosphere but that may change now that it is a bigger and more complicated office.


Senior Member
Wetumpka Alabama
Madie, The important thing for me was finding out the status of my nutrients since my second methylation panal was not as good as the first. I could not tell by the test that there was bacteria and both Dr. Klimas and Rich thought that. I then had the GI Function test to identify the bacteria but it turned out to be parasites. The Ion panel showed the yeast was a little high, so I have done a coarse of Diflucan. The yeast was fine on the GI Function so I must have fixed that.

Dr. Klimas thought the test was a very good one and was excited about it..called it state of the art.

I have had IBS off and on for a long time and I wonder if it was caused by parasites. I was always clean on any other test. They can be very hard to find so that could be.

There is a great audio interview on Mercola.com with Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride. She cured her son of autism. I am now reading her book, what eye opener. We have to fix the colon, 80% of the immune system is there.

I wonder how long my B's have been hyjacked???. The plan is to kill the parasites and then heal the colon. I think I will go by Natasha's diet while doing that.

Interestingly. I had a lot of vitamin IV's and Myers Cocktails when I was sick the first time and kept them up until I was feeling good, they would bybass the small intestine.

No one would check me for EVB or HHV6 then..said too controvercial. What a joke! I still have some activation but I do not feel badly.

My GP is leaving for a month and was suppose to clear his desk today. I faxed him the GI Function and the protocol for the parasites. He may want me to wait until he gets back to oversee it. I will find out if he left the prescriptions when I go for my shot. I thought he would call but has not yet.

If you just did that test last month I would take it. The GI Function may show something too, especially if you have IBS.
Oh, I see it now there is a page of compounds of bacteria or yeast. I forgot about that. Seven items were high, had to be the yeast. Parasites are not mentioned on the Ion Panel.

Oh, it is always very cold in the clinic, you may want to wear long sleeves or take a sweater.


Senior Member
My Gi panel showed yeast/fungus at a +3, but of unknown types. Meaning, none of the ones they test for.

This is useless information! I'm definitely asking Dr. Rey how to interpret that.


Senior Member
Wetumpka Alabama
This is useless information! I'm definitely asking Dr. Rey how to interpret that.[/quote]

Good idea! I did Diflucan for a week and the GI Function Test was fine for yeast. I hate Diflucan but it did the trick..

I know you said you were going in August.early or late?

Did I tell you to take your sleep study if you have had one, they are big on that.


Senior Member
I haven't had a sleep study, and my sleep is awful. On a good night, I only wake up 4 times, but that's rare.

I'm going August 7th.


Senior Member
I haven't had a sleep study, and my sleep is awful. On a good night, I only wake up 4 times, but that's rare.

I'm going August 7th.

Have you tried Trazodone? Trazodone helps maintain sleep -- it improves stage 3 and 4 sleep. I woke repeatedly at night most of my life. I well remember when waking 4 times at night was a good night, so I know what you're talking about. :) Trazodone has been a life saver for me. I now sleep through virtually every night. It's heaven.

I take a low dose (I'd have to go check the exact dosage), and have not had any side effects. I know not everyone can take it, but it seems to one of the best things for constant waking.

Another reason you might be waking a lot is sleep apnea. If you have that, you probably need a sleep study. Do you have a sleep partner who could tell you if you stop breathing briefly and wake with a snort or gasp?


Senior Member
A sleep partner! What a lovely expression. No, it's just me. I'm going to call my doctor in the morning and ask her to order a sleep study for me. I just googled, and there are lots of sleep clinics near me. I imagine I could get it done before I got to Miami.


Senior Member
Dr. Klimas has a device called Ares that can be sent to you. You put it on your head. It's not as good as going to a sleep center but it records a lot of important info. You might think of doing that first. It might be good enough and you don't have to go through the hassle of going to a sleep center. Also it's worth doing some research on sleep centers. Most are assembly line operations whose purpose it is to fit you with a CPAP machine (ie prove to the insurance company you need an expensive CPAP device). I think the sleep problems in ME can be different than what is seen in the typical sleep center.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Dr. Klimas has a device called Ares that can be sent to you. You put it on your head. It's not as good as going to a sleep center but it records a lot of important info. You might think of doing that first. It might be good enough and you don't have to go through the hassle of going to a sleep center. Also it's worth doing some research on sleep centers. Most are assembly line operations whose purpose it is to fit you with a CPAP machine (ie prove to the insurance company you need an expensive CPAP device). I think the sleep problems in ME can be different than what is seen in the typical sleep center.

Exactly! The sleep center I went to was just like that.



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A sleep partner! What a lovely expression. No, it's just me. I'm going to call my doctor in the morning and ask her to order a sleep study for me. I just googled, and there are lots of sleep clinics near me. I imagine I could get it done before I got to Miami.

are sleep partners really for sleep madie:) it might worsen your sleep:)