Microdose psilocybin

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Maybe the elves will have some answers for CFS :D

My husband and I are discussing a psilocybin event from 40 years ago.

The Grand Pacific Ocean extended before us. My husband took off on a trail, and met Space Aliens. He wrote down a bunch of information they provided him, at the time- he had his pen and paper in his pocket.

The message from the Space Aliens was: Go Home, your not coming with us. He was also generally concerned about me, that he would need to retrieve me, can't leave me there.

Now, my huband feels the space aliens were Oceanic. They were not from "elsewhere".

And where was I? Curled up in a fetal position, on the lawn next to the freeway rest stop bathrooms. I'm having significant issues, there in the fetal position. And I"m considerably aware that- time has stopped.


Senior Member
I recall recently seeing an article about microdosing LSD or some other similar drug that's faddish. It was a controlled study that found no therapeutic effect. While that's not proof for psilocybin or DMT, I expect that those drugs have similar anecdotal evidence (and lack of proper controlled studies). None of which applies to ME, since some of us might respond to microdosing broccoli or butterfly wings. :rolleyes:

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Found this article from the University of Chicago discussing the LSD microdosing study:


From Paragraph 2:

" de Wit, PhD, Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience at UChicago, noted that the study doesn’t disprove microdosing’s possible benefits, and that more investigation is needed. The study does show that taking small doses of LSD is safe."

"There were also neurobiological reasons to expect that LSD might improve mood, because LSD acts through serotonin receptors, where traditional antidepressants are known to act. "

“We can’t say necessarily that microdosing doesn’t work,” de Wit said. “All we can say is that, under these controlled circumstances, with this kind of participant, these doses, and these intervals, we didn’t see a robust effect.”

*** wonder what the cognitive and behavioral "data" was, that they collected......

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Great results using full-dose psilocybin to treat depression.

It makes some kind of perfect sense....that when depressed, or dealing with a condition in which the body itself is in a depressed state....your cells cannot reach out and connect up with other cells. Something about that is being affected.

So after a psilocybin dose, they have found new stronger neurological connections form.

Depressed embodies a LACK OF CONNECTION. It sure feels that way. It like your cut off from everything that makes life feel good, or makes you want to continue taking it on.

hmnr asg

Senior Member
I recall recently seeing an article about microdosing LSD or some other similar drug that's faddish. It was a controlled study that found no therapeutic effect. While that's not proof for psilocybin or DMT, I expect that those drugs have similar anecdotal evidence (and lack of proper controlled studies). None of which applies to ME, since some of us might respond to microdosing broccoli or butterfly wings. :rolleyes:

There are conflicting articles about this and the science is still ongoing.
Yes, I also saw the article about this, but they still dont know what is the optimal use strategy, microdosing, macrodosing etc. I really doubt its a "fad" since so many scientists are working on it currently.
As far as ME is concerned, we know nothing yet, that is why I want to try. I have tried literally hundreds of supplements, this is just one more thing to try.

As a wise person once said:
My perspective is that all 'things to try' are just lottery tickets: there's only a tiny chance of winning big, slightly larger chances of winning small, but zero chance of winning anything if you don't buy any tickets.
It is possible to find something that works for you. You just have to get lucky ... and keep buying those 'lottery tickets.


Senior Member
Brisbane, Australia
This is an interesting anecdotal account study article about microdosing psychedelics for depression and anxiety, the most commonly used microdose substance being psilocybin.
Adults who microdose psychedelics report health related motivations and lower levels of anxiety and depression compared to non-microdosers.
I have taken small doses of psilocybin on multiple occasions (somewhere above a microdose and under a full dose) and have had considerable pain relief, increased energy, improved mood and I am able to tolerate a bit more stimulus. The downside is that I do believe it may trigger PEM. Hard to know if it’s the psilocybin itself or that I feel better and wrongly attempt to do more. Although using psilocybin gives me some immediate relief, it may be damaging in the long run. I do believe that it could be too much of a good thing (incorrect dosing) or I simply need to better resist the urge to do more while using it. I am considering giving microdosing a try to see if I have benefit at a lower dose.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
Like I said, extremely fast, quick and fully intense experience.
You're right. The actual high is extremely quick (tho it feels different to different people, natch, with some expressing surprize that it only lasted 15 minutes or so, cause it felt a lot longer ....) and is over pretty fast....

But the changes it works on you, both in the plastics, like your brain, and in your sense of yourself and the world and your place and purpose in it, can last a whoooooole lot longer ....

hmnr asg

Senior Member
Did you ever partake?
Unfortunately I have gotten pretty severe so I wasn't able to go to Canada yet. Also, I tried to get off of duloxetine (needed to feel the full impact of psychedelics) but failed miserably.
Having said that, I have been doing at-home ketamine suppositories (does ketamine count as a psychedelic?). I am waiting to do a few more sessions before I come back and write my experience.

Too often you see someone try some intervention a single time and they rush to write a PhD dissertation on why essential oils or pineapple juice is the cure for cfs. I just didnt want to be one of them :D

hmnr asg

Senior Member
Did you ever partake?
So I am ready to report my results of ketamine use.
They do nothing for cfs, absolutely nada.
I have done both infusions, at home nasal spray and suppositories. They help with my chronic nerve pain and sometimes with my mood, but absolutely nothing for CFS.
I spoke to Dr Hector Bonilla about this and he also mentioned that it does nothing for cfs but helps with the pain aspect of some of his patients (my prescriber is not Bonilla though).
Here is also a recent thread about ketamine use and you see the same experience reflected there as well:

So, ketamine is a dead-end (for cfs, but great for pain). But I continue to meet people on the cfs subreddit who claim that DMT helps them with CFS. Unfortunately there is no way for me to get any at this point. Also the fact that I am taking duloxetine will definitely dull the DMT experience when if i manage to get some.
I will update this thread if I manage to have a DMT experience.
ps shrooms are also not really useful for cfs from my few conversations with people on the cfs subreddit who had access. Just seems to be DMT at this point.


I have taken small doses of psilocybin on multiple occasions (somewhere above a microdose and under a full dose) and have had considerable pain relief, increased energy, improved mood and I am able to tolerate a bit more stimulus. The downside is that I do believe it may trigger PEM. Hard to know if it’s the psilocybin itself or that I feel better and wrongly attempt to do more. Although using psilocybin gives me some immediate relief, it may be damaging in the long run. I do believe that it could be too much of a good thing (incorrect dosing) or I simply need to better resist the urge to do more while using it. I am considering giving microdosing a try to see if I have benefit at a lower dose.
I took a small dose psilocybin (though more than a microdose) a few days ago and experienced the same things you mentioned - more energy, pain relief, tolerating stimulus better, really improved mood. But unfortinately I also crashed/got PEM the day after. I definitely did way more than I usually do during and after the trip though. So I think it was the activities that crashed me. I felt better and did more stuff, which I shouldn’t have done. Don’t think the psilocybin itself crashed me. I’ll give psilocybin another go at some point again and try to avoid doing too many activities. I have to say before I crashed, the experience was great and it gave me a mental boost. Next time I’ll be careful not to overexert and see how it goes.
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