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Microbial Dysbiosis in Common Variable Immune Deficiencies:


Senior Member
United States, New Hampshire
Microbial Dysbiosis in Common Variable Immune Deficiencies: Evidence, Causes, and Consequences.
Berbers RM1, Nierkens S2, van Laar JM1, Bogaert D3, Leavis HL4.
Author information

Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) is an immune disorder that not only causes increased susceptibility to infection, but also to inflammatory complications such as autoimmunity, lymphoid proliferation, malignancy, and granulomatous disease.

Recent findings implicate the microbiome as a driver of this systemic immune dysregulation. Here, we critically review the current evidence for a role of the microbiome in the pathogenesis of CVID immune dysregulation, and describe the possible immunologic mechanisms behind causes and consequences of microbial dysbiosis in CVID.

We integrate this evidence into a model describing a role for the gut microbiota in the maintenance of inflammation and immune dysregulation in CVID, and suggest research strategies to contribute to the development of new diagnostic tools and therapeutic targets.
Link to abstract
Link to full paper (PDF)