Can't believe the complications I am having because of a visit to the dentist 11 days ago. First I seemed to have a reaction to the injection - the dentist said not possible as my symptoms (palpitations, dizziness) started three hours after extraction. The pain got worse and my doctor gave me Amoxicillin 5 days after extraction. Vertigo continued getting worse. Monday I woke up with bad taste draining into my throat and a sore throat. Back to dentist he told me the hole was infected and packed it....Monday 6am started shivering violently (no fever) felt very ill aching all over slept till 8pm. Felt worse on awakening out of hours again last night was given a medication called Metronidazole. I thought great the right medicine...but now along with the floating vertigo in bed every time I try to go to sleep I am wakening up with irregular breathing. Can this be due to the medication or something else? I am so tired but my breathing wont allow me to go to sleep so onto the sixth doctor appointment in 11 days. Oh my God why are we left here to suffer like this. So frustrated along with frightened. Nothing is making sense any more....:Retro mad: