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Methylfolate problem

I started a course of methylfolate a week ago starting at 400mcg per day for two days and then down to 200mcg per day for another two days for a total of 4 days. Started getting headaches and dizziness after a couple of days. Also started to get nausea. Energy started to improve somewhat after a couple of days but side effects became unbearable and I stopped as I've said after about 4 days. This is now a week afterwards and I am still getting some mild headaches and dizziness and nausea. I tried some niacin this morning and it seemed to have helped some. Will this ever go away? I am getting a little worried about having done something really screwed up. Should I take B12? If so what form? methyl or dicobenzide form?

Please help.


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
More niacin or MethylB12. Next time, starting off at a lower amount, take some B12 as well. Several documents in my signature re Freddd's Protocol.
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I find the b3:b2 ratio to be key for taking the edge off of folate (cobalamin actually converts it to the form that causes the aggravation for me; folinate is worst, folic acid second, and metafolin I can tolerate unless I cosupplement with b12). B2 makes it worse, niacinamide makes it better. I've gradually tweaked my b-powder to the point that it's a 160:1 niacinamide to riboflavin ratio and that seems to be the sweet spot for me. I haven't heard anyone else repeat this claim though. It might be that the ratio needed is directly dependent on mercury load.
Actually I'd like to just stop taking all vitamins but I need to get out of this mess first. I STILL have dizziness and headaches over a week now since stopping the methylfolate. I don't want to continue taking it. So could I just take some niacin for a while and these symptoms will go away you think?

More niacin or MethylB12. Next time, starting off at a lower amount, take some B12 as well. Several documents in my signature re Freddd's Protocol.