menstruation/periods making symptoms worse... is a hysterectomy the answer?


Senior Member


Senior Member
I take something called VEGEPA which seemed to help my brain and lymphatics a bit.It's expensive but meant to be good for people with ME.

The Vegepa may have too much EPO, which can actually make things worse over time. It has no DHA. EPA amount is too low.

As an example, I'm taking 2700mg EPA, 1800mg DHA and about 1 mg GLA (from steel cut oats) per day. In addition you have to make sure you're not using Omega 6 oils, and not eating too many carbs, both of which will obliterate benefits from EFA supplementation.


Senior Member
DHA makes all my symptoms worse. I'm in "Puri's camp" about that and I have the "evidence" from what happened to me from when I took a mix instead of EPA only.

We are all different, and I do agree with everybody that organ removal is a step too far.
(It's just a real shame there isn't something which could bring on "the change" for you. Or is there? I don't actually know!)

I'm also in the camp which disagrees violently with the use of all artificial hormones, but, in your case, are there not progesterone only ones you can take continuously to prevent having periods at all?