MedScape polling on using antiretrovirals for CFS/ME

Cleveland, Ohio
I get Medscape emails for my professional area. This one contained a link for a poll on whether antiretrovirals should be prescribed for Chronic Fatigue. The link will work with member code.
Be good to keep track of this one over the next couple days, although the results are not surprising
Updated 6/17/10 midnight

Raw link all professionals
Recent research suggests that the retrovirus XMRV may be one of the causes of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Some physicians have been prescribing antiretroviral therapy to patients with CFS in an attempt to combat retrovirus infection, even though a causal relationship has not definitively been shown. What do you think of such prescribing?
*A. Prescribing antiretroviral therapy is premature
*64% *(184)
*B. Antiretroviral therapy should be prescribed because patients with CFS have few other options
*18% *(52)
*C. Uncertain
*16% *(48)

Total Responses: 284
Poll conducted 15-Jun-2010 - 22-Jun-2010

Raw link POLL RESULTS physicians only
Recent research suggests that the retrovirus XMRV may be one of the causes of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Some physicians have been prescribing antiretroviral therapy to patients with CFS in an attempt to combat retrovirus infection, even though a causal relationship has not definitively been shown. What do you think of such prescribing?
*A. Prescribing antiretroviral therapy is premature
*65% *(184)
*B. Antiretroviral therapy should be prescribed because patients with CFS have few other options
*18% *(51)
*C. Uncertain
*16% *(48)

Total Responses: 283
Poll conducted 15-Jun-2010 - 22-Jun-2010
View previous poll results


Senior Member
Interesting JimK. I'm surprised that 1/3 of docs in this albeit small sample (about 100) would consider antiretrovirals (combining 15% categories). I have Medscape membership so if you tell me which section it's in, I'll try to keep an eye on it.
Cleveland, Ohio
Hope- if you mare signed in on MedScape the link in my post takes you right t the current poll numbers. 149 at this moment. What's intestine is to look at the results filtered by nurses and pharmacists. Both groups seem more willing to have antiretro's used than physicians. Pharmacists especially, who you might expect know the on-th-ground realities of these drugs.