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Medically Unexplained Symptoms: A Treacherous Foundation for Somatoform Disorders?


Senior Member
northern Maine
The promoters of psychosomatic illness appear to have a very strong belief in its existence. Presumably they also have superior intellects, given their long lists of degrees, titles, awards, and accolades, in addition to their insufferable arrogance.

It should be child's play for people so willing to force ill children into locked wards to simply think the wrong thoughts and give themselves a psychosomatic illness. After they magically create illness in themselves, they can just quit thinking the wrong thoughts, start thinking the right thoughts, and thereby cure their illness. After all, if Barry Marshall can drink a beaker of H. pylori to prove its existence, surely these learned psychiatrists can make a similar sacrifice for science?

I suggest they start with IBS, since it can be objectively measured with tests such as the "barostat", where balloons are stuffed up the butt and inflated until the subject cries "Uncle!". No I'm not making this up:

The mast cell stabiliser ketotifen decreases visceral hypersensitivity and improves intestinal symptoms in patients with irritable bowel syndrome.

Mast cell activation is thought to be involved in visceral hypersensitivity, one of the main characteristics of the irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). A study was therefore undertaken to investigate the effect of the mast cell stabiliser ketotifen on rectal sensitivity and symptoms in patients with IBS.

This study shows that ketotifen increases the threshold for discomfort in patients with IBS with visceral hypersensitivity, reduces IBS symptoms and improves health-related quality of life.

Of course, they could save themselves a lot of trouble and simply read the research on IBS and mast cells. But that might affect their prestige and profits.
