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Medical marijuana & pots


Stop the harm. Start the research and treatment.
Toronto, Canada
Marijuana is good for some cancers, but it is proven to increase lung cancer risk.

I've read the opposite - the multitude of govt funded research to find lung cancer from marijuana never really materialized - the researcher I read (can't remember name or other deets - he was American) said a review of the research showed that chronic pot smokers had less incidence of lung cancer than non-smokers due to the anti-carcinogens in marijuana greater than the carcinogens.

ETA: http://blog.sfgate.com/smellthetrut...ting-marijuana-decreases-risk-of-lung-cancer/
Quick update: On the internet someone with CFS wrote that strains with a ratio of CBD to THC of 1:1 seem to help him.

I found a strain with a 1:1 ratio of CBD to THC by the name like Royal Medical or Royal Medic
that doesn't seem to worsen POTS as badly as other strains and relaxes me.
Just thought it would help others to know.


Senior Member
Cannibus made my neuro symptom way worse. I dont know if it was the strain etc.

CBD I felt no effects from but will experiment further.


Senior Member
Seattle, WA USA
I tried it a few years ago, when it was still only medically legal in my state. I still use it on occasion to let me sleep, but I can't use it in the daytime. It seems to me to make my OI (undiagnosed until two weeks ago) far worse. My legs turned to absolute jello, and I became severely cold. I thought it was my BP had dropped, so checked it once, and it was right where it always is. I tried two strains, and still have both because I use it so little. Maybe if they sold a tiny bud for trial I could find something that works?

Right now I can only use it if I intend to be in bed. If I am on the couch, my body isn't going ANYWHERE until after the effects are gone. And of course if it was ingested, that means I am on the couch for 4 solid hours. No thank you!

The person in that article is lucky. Doesn't help me one bit.