There are responses from the following countries:
I'm afraid I can't resist pointing out that the NICE guidelines on "CFS/ME" might have had something if it was not for the Barts (=Peter White) submission on the draft guidelines. Make sure to read the titles of the references!
For more of the Peter White/Barts submission, follow the last link in my .sig
Measures Taken by European Countries for Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS). A Danish Health Ministry Report on Enquiries Made of 11 European Governments (2010)
English Translation by Harry Clark with Charlotte Anker, Martine Bechmann, Mervi Herrala, Sandra Johansen and Monika Senior.
Translation C2010 MCS Society of Australia
There are responses from the following countries:
I) Belgium .................................................................................................... 4
II) Finland .................................................................................................... 4
III) France .................................................................................................... 5
IV) Italy ........................................................................................................ 6
V) Luxembourg ............................................................................................ 7
VI) The Netherlands .................................................................................... 7
VII) Spain ..................................................................................................... 8
VIII) Britain .................................................................................................. 8
IX) Sweden .................................................................................................. 9
X) Germany ............................................................................................... 11
XI) Austria .................................................................................................. 13
I'm afraid I can't resist pointing out that the NICE guidelines on "CFS/ME" might have had something if it was not for the Barts (=Peter White) submission on the draft guidelines. Make sure to read the titles of the references!
(viii) on Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS):
Draft text (this is in a section on severe CFS/ME):
"Family life may also be affected as people with severe CFS/ME are often sensitive to sounds and smell. For example, the person may be unable to tolerate light or cleaning products whilst they are often unable to control their body temperature, thus impacting on the living environment."
"..Those caring for an individual with severe CFS/ME professionally need an understanding of the illness and the needs of the individual to meet the challenges of, for example, cooking or cleaning for an individual who is sensitive to the smell of food or of cleaning materials or bathing an individual who finds touch painful. Therefore proper training should be given about the condition with the involvement of the patient for any particular problems."
SH St Bartholomew's Hospital Chronic Fatigue Services
92 FULL 261 3 +
A patient with increased sensitivity to the smell of various chemicals may be suffering from multiple chemical sensitivity, but you would be making a dubious assumption to state this is part of or even characteristic of severely disabling CFS/ME. MCS is a potentially remediable condition through a graded exposure programme on the basis that the underlying pathophysiology is a conditioned response. It should not be considered as a part of CFS/ME.
(See: Staudenmayer H, Binkley KE, Leznoff A, Phillips S. Idiopathic environmental intolerance: Part 2: A causation analysis applying Bradford Hill's criteria to the psychogenic theory. Toxicological Reviews 2003;22:247-61.
Bornschein S, Hausteiner C, Zilker T, Forstl H. Van den Bergh O, Devriese S, Winters W, Veulemans H, Nemery B, Eelen P, Van de Woestijne KP. Acquiring symptoms in response to odors: a learning perspective on multiple chemical sensitivity. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 2001;933:278-90.
Otto T, Giardino ND. Pavlovian conditioning of emotional responses to olfactory and contextual stimuli: a potential model for the development and expression of chemical intolerance. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 2001;933:291-309.)
GDG response:
This section has been removed.
For more of the Peter White/Barts submission, follow the last link in my .sig