I think many people appreciate your efforts to be working on the inside and in a position to prick the conscience of the CMRC. Not an easy road but hopefully not a completely thankless task. I for one thank you.Thanks - it's clearly a very thankless task sitting on the Board of the CMRC as far as most ME/CFS internet discussion groups are concerned
So it's great to just occasionally find that someone appreciates the reason why I have always been keen to join committees and groups to put forward the patient point of view to people I do not always agree with
Put very simply, I do not believe it is sensible for charities who represent people with ME/CFS to say that they will not join a group or committee at the DWP, MRC, DoH, NICE etc when the organisation has enormous influece when it comes to making crucial decisions about people with ME/CFS
Because complaining/moaning/shouting from outside the tent usually has little or no effect whatsoever
So I won't be resigning from the Board of the CMRC...…..
And I will continue to support the AIMS of the MEGA study because I believe that Stephen Holgate has brought together a group of world class -omic experts who are new to ME/CFS research.
And if we can get the protocol right, especially in relation to patient selection, then this research (which is NOT psychiatric research as is being portrayed by some people) could provide some really useful information on sub-grouping that would help to separate people under the very unsatisfactory NICE 'on size fits all' treatment model of ME/CFS
If we can get the protocol and planning group right for MEGA then the MEA will endorse the research grant application when it is made in 2017
If not, we will not endorse it