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ME in Poland

Hi all

Me again!

Stockholm Marathon went well, we're up to £3671 so far on the challenge for Invest In ME/biomedical research projects!

Next up I'm off to run the Solidarnosci Marathon in Gdansk, Poland on August 15th.

As ever as part of the challenge I aim to raise awareness for ME patients in each of the 28 EU countries I visit.

I've been talking to Mira from Warsaw about what the situation is like in Poland (link below if you fancy a look)


Although she is very ill, we're both keen to see if we can bring some Polish patients together and form a support group. There doesn't seem to be any out there that we can find and there's likely to be over 150,000 people with nobody to talk to or real hope.

We've written off to a couple of journalists who have helped Mira before (she was on TV talking about ME a few years back), so hopefully we can do something productive there too.

Anyway, if you have any leads to any organisations or ME patients in Poland I'd very much like to hear from you.

Thanks :)

Mike Harley

So I've set up a facebook group for Polish ME patients. Sadly the Polish ME patients I'm in touch with are too ill to admin but hopefully more people will follow. I know it'll take a while but it's a start.


From my end, I'll take a backseat when it's up and running, just posting ME news/developments from the international perspective.

If anyone would like to join and/or admin then you're very welcome

We're actively trying to grow our Polish ME Support Group (currently 53 members) and have produced an information flyer (attached) which we hope will reach more patients.

The idea is that any Polish speakers can print off and distribute them in doctors waiting rooms and other public places.

We're keen to get more interaction in the group so patients can support each other and share knowledge. There's already been some great info posts in there about international biomedical research news which has been really appreciated by many. It contains a list of symptoms of ME and points them towards our group.

polish flyer 2 copy.jpg

The Goal;

More followers; community formed; active charity/lobby group formed; awareness & attitude changes; international partnerships; research; cures.

Please all share if you know of any Polish speaking patients, families of patients, carers, doctors, govt officials or others.


