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Thinking of you today!!! Thank you Susan.
Thank You for going where many us could not, I am sending my will, gratitude and all the energy I could scrape up.Llewllyn King wrote about the demonstration - David & Goliath
My concentration is blown today, I keep trying to find out but then aimlessly my mind wanders off.Has anyone heard how the demonstration went? I'm sure Susan is on a plane right now headed to DC. BRRR
To start the event, Jeff Kreutzer and Edward Burmeister unfurled a seven-by-six-foot banner displaying the 3,000+ signatures from a petition initiated by Patricia Carter. The 95-page petition demands the cancelation of the IOM contract and the adoption of the CCC. Asecond petition with nearly 3,000 signatures, started last summer by Mary Dimmock, also demands the adoption of the CCC and the elimination of the demeaning name “chronic fatigue syndrome.” To bring the point home that ME/CFS affects people everywhere, Susan arranged a display of flags representing the home states and countries of those who had signed the petitions – all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and 34 countries spanning the globe.
It is snowing in dc today and the federal government is closed. Don't know if this means a change of plans.
Wildaisy started a group thank you card for Susan.
PLEASE, EVERYONE, SIGN the Group Card for Susan Kreutzer in appreciation for her work on the San Francisco and Washington D.C. ME/CFS demonstrations share this message!
-Planning M.E. demonstrations on both sides of the United States (San Francisco and Washington D.C.) scheduled for December 9th and 10th, 2013 as set forth in the post above.
More...On Tuesday, Susan Kreutzer brought the names of thousands of ME/CFS sufferers to the front door of the U.S. Health and Human Services headquarters in Washington, D.C. She brought the flags of all 50 states and of 39 nations, each representing those who feared the federal government's role in re-defining the illness. She is living proof that the voice of one person can and does matter in a democracy. Stay tuned for our exclusive video of her two-day activities at HHS, the Capitol, and the White House. Might we say that we have some great shots of her looking very, very "Hillary Clinton." Coming Soon!
Thank you Susan for your generosity of time and spirit! I am inspired to do what I can and hope many more are as well.