ME/CFS is a mystery no more! Under ME/CFS hides Chronic Bacterial Intoxication Syndrome (CBIS) — [This Thread ONLY for Posting Questions to Dr Markov]


The good news is patients don't die the bad news..
the most of negative reviews (paid, it’s surely known)
We have only your categorical statement of this. No evidence. And its in your interest to claim this.

Endo- and exotoxins are released and persisted in the kidneys for years and decades. It leads to the development of endotoxicosis and severe often long-term general intoxication of the organism with toxic damage to various organs and systems and to the subsequent development of a pathological state ME/CFS-CBIS with more than 70 clinical symptoms and syndromes of its manifestation, including: toxins responsible for general ME/CFS-CBIS state (weakness, increased fatigue, reduced work efficiency etc.etc.), neurotropic toxins (peripheral neuropathies/sensory-motor, autonomic neurapathies and vasotropic toxins, autonomous neuropathies, other manifestations of neurotropic toxins), neuralgia, psychtropic toxins, dermatotropic toxins, arthromyotropic toxins, ophthalmotropic toxins.
A bold statement. We need more evidence before accepting it as fact.

There are many clear evidencing examples of the right diagnostics ME/CFS-CBIS and treatment w/ full convalescence in the Reports “CBIS....Clinical diagnosis” (Reports 1-6), “CBIS....Bacteriological diagnosis” (Report 7), “CBIS...Toxicological diagnosis” (Report 8) and “CBIS...Treatment” (Report 9) of the work "Chronic Bacterial Intoxication Syndrome under the mask of CFS/ME".
We need third party replication to prove any of this.

but WARM! urine and, in case of Nephrodysbacteriosis© with “calm” urine-test
Another categorical statement, based on what? Bacteria do not vanish if urine cools down. If they died somehow from being at room temperature (this is not a known phenomenon) then they could still be detected by modern tests.
Which is my next point, testing to prove infection would give you credibility
Antibiotics are also unsuitable. Therefore - only autovaccines.
Another categorical statement. Science doesn't run on unbacked categorical statements, it runs on verification and repeatabilty.


Senior Member
A question for you, @ME/CFS - Mystery No More! Under ME/CFS hides CBIS

Is there a way that ME/CFS patients can diagnose a kidney infection at home, just by buying the appropriate agar plates for cultivating bacteria, and then placing a few drops of fresh morning urine on the plates?

I am not sure what sort of skills would be needed to culture bacteria in an agar petri dish, but I expect that there will be instructional videos and information to be found online explaining how to culture bacteria.

If ME/CFS patients could grow a bacterial colony on an agar plate from their own urine sample, this would offer evidence to support your theory of ME/CFS.

Sterile agar plates only cost about £2, and you can buy them on eBay and Amazon. Obviously we would need to use the appropriate types of agar, the types of agar that you use.

I believe for each patient you use three different agar plates: CLED agar, McConkey agar, and chromogenic agar UriSelect.

It would be interesting for ME/CFS to test themselves for a kidney infection, and test another household member as a healthy control.
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A bold statement. We need more evidence before accepting it as fact.

Evidences of positive results of diagnostics & treatment ?

- since 1996 more than 20.000 patients here, adults & children, w/ chronic bacterial infections, including chronic bacterial infection in the kidneys causing ME/CFS-CBIS: there are archived objective patients’ diseases histories w/ data of current/periodical bacteriological & toxicological assays, instrumental examinations, observation&opinions of affiliated doctors, prolonged dynamic follow-up observation on cured patients after convalescence and other documents - else to continue, not evidences ?

Allegory: looking at the moon, some may say that the moon is round&flat, but the objective reality and researchers say: not only round, but almost right sphere, on its dark side there are less vulcans seas, there are its soil samples, hints on water etc. Please research and the true opens.

Bacteriological test of warm urine 2.5-2.7 times increases the sensitivity of the method and the probability of a true/objective result of the bacteriological examination.

"Antibiotics are unsuitable for treatment of chronic bacterial infections (including infections in the kidneys causing ME/CFS-CBIS). Therefore for their treatment- only autovaccines".

Yes, just so:
based on more than 44 clinical experience of observation & diagnostics & treatment of chronic bacterial infections, on a lot of provided blood & urine etc. laboratory tests, bacteriological & microscopic & toxicological assays, instrumental examinations etc. etc., Dr.-med.habil. Igor Markov confirms w/ full responsibility: сhronic bacterial infections cannot be, in principle, cured with antibiotics.

The pathogenesis (mechanism) of the development of various chronic bacterial infections is as follows: on the mucous membranes of organs settle bacteria and fungi that should not be there - intestinal bacteria, staphylococci and streptococci, nosocomial bacteria (this clinical state is right called as bacterial imbalance or Dysbacteriosis).

Chronic bacterial infections cannot be cured with antibiotics that cause, strengthen/exacerbate and maintain, often lifelong, this bacterial imbalance.

Moreover, killing pathogenic bacteria on its way and, in fact, selecting antibiotic-resistant strains of these bacteria-mutants, antibiotics else also kill saprophytic flora (which is always present/indwell on mucous membranes), and also completely suppress the ability of mucous membranes to resist pathogenic bacteria.

That is deprive the mucous membranes of their natural barrier function, and the organism - of local immunity, which these mucous membranes must exercise.
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Senior Member
Just looking at this 2016 study, on the urinary tract microbiome.

The paper says urine has usually been considered to be sterile, but in fact we now know the urinary tract does contain a microbiome, although presumably these bacteria exist at low levels.

But this then begs the question: if all urinary tracts do contain bacteria, and if Dr Markov is increasing the sensitivity of his urine bacterial cultures by using fresh warm urine, and using three urine samples taken on consecutive days, could it be that Dr Markov's urine test is just detecting bacteria which are present in every urinary tract?

So I wonder, @ME/CFS - Mystery No More! Under ME/CFS hides CBIS, when you say you find these urinary tract infection in all ME/CFS patients, have you also tested the urine of healthy controls, to make sure that most of those do not have a urinary tract infection which is detectable using your standard bacterial culture methods?

One can only say that ME/CFS patients have a chronic kidney infection if this infection is found in most ME/CFS patients, but not found in most healthy controls.
Dear ME/CFS-Community,
Thanks a lot once more for your attention to our findings. We’re not trying to convince you in the objective realty that the mystery ME/CFS has been discovered w/ all-inclusive diagnostic ME/CFS-CBIS & treatment,
we open only access to understanding and acceptance it.

In two ways:

1. By informing the ME/CFS-Community about such findings and by giving necessary explanations for the comments in essence;

2. Reporting the findings to the responsible for ME/CFS policymakers, influencers, government agencies, WHO, ME/CFS-Accociations etc. to provide authoritative expertises of the findings and proceed w/ new established pathological state Nephrodysbacteriosis© (bacterial imbalance in the kidneys), causing ME/CFS-CBIS (Chronic Bacterial Intoxication Syndrome© hidden under the mask of ME/CFS). Within last 1-1,5 months we do that.

But this then begs the question: if all urinary tracts do contain bacteria, and if Dr Markov is increasing the sensitivity of his urine bacterial cultures by using fresh warm urine, and using three urine samples taken on consecutive days, could it be that Dr Markov's urine test is just detecting bacteria which are present in every urinary tract?

So I wonder, @ME/CFS - Mystery No More! Under ME/CFS hides CBIS, when you say you find these urinary tract infection in all ME/CFS patients, have you also tested the urine of healthy controls, to make sure that most of those do not have a urinary tract infection which is detectable using your standard bacterial culture methods?

One can only say that ME/CFS patients have a chronic kidney infection if this infection is found in most ME/CFS patients, but not found in most healthy controls.

-1.1. if there’re clinical manifestations of UTI (urethritis, prostatitis and cystitis) without clinical symptomes of ME/CFS-CBIS, then it isn’t necessary to make bac-test of warm urine. In this case (1.1.) there are provided a routine bac-tests of urine for detecting UTI-pathogens and prescribed appropriate treatment;

-1.2. if there’re clinical symptomes of ME/CFS-CBIS without clinical manifestations of UTI (urethritis, prostatitis and cystitis) or if there’re clinical manifestations of UTI (urethritis, prostatitis and cystitis) and clinical symptomes of ME/CFS-CBIS, then it's necessary to test 1-3 (seldom more) morning WARM urine samples (taken on three consecutive days), but NOT the FIRST URINE PORTION.

In this case (1.2.) detected UTI and a causing ME/CFS-CBIS kidney infection to be treated both parallel.
(Remarks - a: urethritis, prostatitis and cystitis are often assosiated w/ Nephrodysbacteriosis© and ME/CFS-CBIS and have to be considered as entering gates for Nephrodysbacteriosis© and ME/CFS-CBIS;

b: to be sure that the detected infection also is a cause for Nephrodysbacteriosis© and ME/CFS-CBIS, it’s necessary to provide (may be provided) additional laboratory confirmation (bacteriological & blood for toxicology)).

At any case, WARM URINE tests, that may be taken by a patient at home by natural way by using the known test-systems with nutrient media CLED agar, McConkey agar and chromogenic agar UriSelect (during years we use test-systems NovaMed, Israel, Vice-President Dr.Gavriel Shalmiev) are to be considered only as screening/visual way, after which the routine laboratory bacteriological examination is required.

That is, a patient using the Questionnaire (Form) of clinical (per symptomes) diagnostics ME/CFS-CBIS [accessible on clinic’s web-site] and using screening Warm urine method (is there growth of bacteria causing ME/CFS-CBIS), may self/alone primary to assess the presence/absence ME/CFS-CBIS.

Final diagnostics of ME/CFS-CBIS (clinically per symptomes, bacterialogically-laboratory & toxicologically, if necessary) with differential diagnostics, if necessary (incl. ELISA, PCR-testing (real-time) on herpes viruses etc.; laboratory biochemical and microscopic, instrumental Ultrasound, Rö, MRI/CT, EKG, EEG; study of the immune status and on markers of autoimmune diseases, tumor markers, allergies, hormones, etc.) to differ concomitant diseases with similar symptoms, but with a different etiology, has to be provided at the clinic.

We’re ready to submit necessary Diagnostics & Treatment Protocols for ME/CFS-CBIS to clinics worldwide provided strict adherence of the Protocols.

2. Once more: we’re ready for any authoritative expertise of findings, ONLY TOGETHER with ME/CFS-Community we can request from policymakers, influencers, government agencies, WHO, ME/CFS-Accociations etc. which is responsible for ME/CFS, to appoint such an expertise and to open to the global ME/CFS-Community the possibility to be right diagnosed w/ ME/CFS-CBIS & right treated.
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Martin aka paused||M.E.

Senior Member
Dear ME/CFS-Community,
Thanks a lot once more for your attention to our findings. We’re not trying to convince you in the objective realty that the mystery ME/CFS has been discovered w/ all-inclusive diagnostic ME/CFS-CBIS & treatment,
we open only access to understanding and acceptance it.

In two ways:

1. By informing the ME/CFS-Community about such findings and by giving necessary explanations for the comments in essence;

2. Reporting the findings to the responsible for ME/CFS policymakers, influencers, government agencies, WHO, ME/CFS-Accociations etc. to provide authoritative expertises of the findings and proceed w/ new established pathological state Nephrodysbacteriosis© (bacterial imbalance in the kidneys), causing ME/CFS-CBIS (Chronic Bacterial Intoxication Syndrome© hidden under the mask of ME/CFS). Within last 1-1,5 months we do that.

Dear Dr. Markov,

I would play the guinea pig. I'm very severe so it should be easy to detect what's wrong with my body. But how can I do it from home? How to test warm urine? I can't leave my bed. No hospital in Germany would do such tests, they would not even give me a room. My doc would. So let me replicate your findings and if it's true and it works I guarantee you you will get millions of $$$ for further research.

Thank you

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Senior Member
I wasn't aware the kidneys had a microbiome!

Neither was I, but I found this paper which says that although the kidney and urinary tract has normally been considered as sterile in a healthy person, it does in fact have a microbiome. But I expect that in a normal healthy kidney and urinary tract, these bacteria will exist at such low levels that the urinary tract and kidney can be considered quasi-sterile.

This is similar to the small intestine, which is often stated as being sterile, but in reality has a very low level of bacteria. Unless of course you have SIBO, in which case you will have high level of bacteria or archaea in your small bowel.

Has Dr. Markov said how they know the bacteria are from the kidneys, instead of some other place in the body?

They test the urine for bacteria, so the infections they find in the urine must either come from the kidneys or another part of the urinary tract.
To Hb8847, Senior Member, at 7:47 - 7:59 AM, June 5:
By the way, the etiology of ME/CFS till the moment being (till discovery ME/CFS-CBIS) remained in medicine unknown:

there were not defined for sure neither certain hormonal, nor immunological, nor psychiatric, nor allergic markers and immunosuppression, nor change of bacterial balance in intestinal, nor infectious causes (neither cytomegalovirus, herpes virus type 6, Coxsackie virus, hepatitis C virus, retro viruses, nor Lyme disease, nor candidiasis nor Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), for a long time the etiological role of which in the emergence of CFS was proved by determining in patients with ME/CFS antibodies to this virus in "high" titers by ELISA.

But (to info.): in 1999 Markov conclusively proved that the titers of IgG antibodies at chronic viral infections, including at chronic persistence of EBV, regardless of the degree of their increase, do not confirm the activity of EBV and its etiological role in the emergence of CFS.

The fact of presence of IgG antibodies to EBV indicates only on chronic EBV-infectioning. Based on the results of PCR-testing for EBV in more than 5500 immunocompetent (without HIV/AIDS) children and adults, diagnosed with chronic EBV-infection, received in 2009-2020 by Dr Markov, the role of this virus in the emergence of ME/CFS has been conclusively proven to be insignificant or even absent at all.

Is this easy to test for? - a patient using the Questionnaire (Form) of clinical (per symptomes) diagnostics ME/CFS-CBIS and using visual Warm urine method of screening, e.g. NovaMed, Israel (is there growth of bacteria causing ME/CFS-CBIS) may self/alone primary to assess the presence/absence ME/CFS-CBIS.

Final diagnostics of ME/CFS-CBIS (clinically per symptomes, bacterialogically-laboratory & toxicologically, if necessary) with differential diagnostics, if necessary (incl. ELISA, PCR-testing (real-time) on herpes viruses etc.; laboratory biochemical and microscopic, instrumental Ultrasound, Rö, MRI/CT, EKG, EEG; study of the immune status and on markers of autoimmune diseases, tumor markers, allergies, hormones, etc.) to differ concomitant diseases with similar symptoms, but with a different etiology), has to be provided at the clinic.

Can we get some data on healthy controls? - Patients’ diseases histories are acrchived and accessible on special request.

Are autovaccines available to be produced easily, how is it done in Ukraine? – Autovaccines are easily produced according to the known technologies w/ Markov’s Know how that improve & secure their clinical effect.

How long is the prognosis for recovery? – Treatment schemes are always individual, but also had common features. One cycle consisted of 2-3 courses of immunization with bacterial autovaccines. One course of immunization included 10 subcutaneous injections made every other day in increasing doses over 20-21 days.

Between courses there was maintained an interval of 3 to 4 weeks. The treatment cycle in total lasted from 70 to 110 days, depending on the number of courses. Intervals between treatment cycles were usually maintained for 3 months. There’s optimal immunization schedule …

The most treated w/ ME/CFS-CBIS patients return to a normal life without relapses and never return to the clinic, some w/ relapses undergo new courses of immunization with bacterial autovaccines till full convalescence.

Is it for severe ME patients too? - The effectiveness of treatment totals in general (adults&children) 92.7% and does not depend on the age of patients, but depends on the duration of the disease.

Why the findings do not yet occupy the international news and do not in spotlight? Within abt. a month after publication at the 8th Intern.Infectiuos Congress in London we’ve submitted it to ME Accociation (Dr.Shepherd), Action for M.E., WHO Europe, ect.etc.

ONLY TOGETHER with ME/CFS-Community we can request from policymakers, influencers, government agencies, responsible for ME/CFS, to appoint an authoritative expertise and to open to the global ME/CFS-Community the possibility to be right diagnosed w/ ME/CFS-CBIS & right treated.

By the way, the USA Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) placed our comments on the Systematic Review Report for ME/CFS.

CDC will proceed to place new diseases/diagnosis, related to ME/CFS: Nephrodysbacteriosis© and Chronic Bacterial Intoxication Syndrome©, CBIS (that hides under the mask of ME/CFS) to the renewed list of registered diseases.

My bladder.

My kidneys seem fine but my bladder sure isnt'. So that counts too, under cystitis?

urethritis, prostatitis and cystitis (bladder) are often assosiated w/ Nephrodysbacteriosis© and ME/CFS-CBIS and have to be considered as entering gates for Nephrodysbacteriosis© and ME/CFS-CBIS.

@ME/CFS - Mystery No More! Under ME/CFS hides CBIS Which bacterial species are most commonly found in urine samples from ME/CFS patients?

there were determined etiologically dominating bacterial factors of the development of ME/CFS-CBIS which always had polyetiological origin:

the main etiological pathogen of ME/CFS-CBIS turned out Enterococci (w/ level 37.0%, 2500/6750), in the urine compared to other bacteria …

Enterococci (w/ level 37.0%, 2500/6750
Escherichia coli (E.coli) (24.8%, 1687/6750).
Enterococci + E.coli were isolated in 93% of patients diagnosed w/ ME/CFS-CBIS.
Klebsiella (9%, 607/6750).
Proteins (4.5%, 303/6750).
Enterobacters - 3.5%
morganelles - 2%,
urinocultures of acinetobacters - 1.44%,
citrobacters - 0.68%,
0.21% Alcaligenes faecalis (in 0.31% of patients),
0.16% hafnium,
0.24% serations.

A large special group of staphylococci and streptococci: in total 15% or 1012 strains (in 22.5% of patients):

staphylococci - 10%, 675/6750: Staphylococcus aureus - 59% (398/675) and Staphylococcus haemolyticus - 41% (277/675)

streptococci: Streptococcus pyogenes - 5% (337/6750).

How to transfer isolated urino-cultures for autovaccines and autovaccines – logistically resolvable issue.

Dear Dr. Markov,

I would play the guinea pig. I'm very severe so it should be easy to detect what's wrong with my body. But how can I do it from home? How to test warm urine? I can't leave my bed. No hospital in Germany would do such tests, they would not even give me a room. My doc would. So let me replicate your findings and if it's true and it works I guarantee you you will get millions of $$$ for further research.

Thank you

Dear Martin, your issue is principally entfernt resolvable, prepare your anamnesis (by the way, we could communicate English-Deutsch in Anbetracht Dr.Oleg Markov’s Forschungen an der RWTH Aachen).

Some days ago our findings were independently (before knowing your case) reported to Prof. Dr. Karl Lauterbach MdB (Deutscher Bundestag /Berlin/Koeln), he takes care for ME/CFS in Deutschland, he could us assist.
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Senior Member
Why the findings do not yet occupy the international news and do not in spotlight? Within abt. a month after publication at the 8th Intern.Infectiuos Congress in London we’ve submitted it to ME Accociation (Dr.Shepherd), Action for M.E., WHO Europe, ect.etc.

Why are you not trying to publish the information in a scientific journal? The usual way to alert medical doctors and the scientific community is through publishing in a medical journal.


Senior Member
Dear Dr. Markov, you know very well how many families in the world suffer because their children destroyed their lives with this disease. You would win the Nobel Prize if you really found the reason. I ask you to contact the leading researchers of this disease and show your results. I understand that you run a private clinic but if your findings are real the world should know them and you will get the most respect. [This is a Google translation of the passage below-- in Ukrainian--provided by moderator.]

Шановний Доктор Марков, ви добре знаєте скільки у світі страждає сімей бо їхні діти знищили життя цією хворобою. Ви б виграли Нобелівську премію якщо б справді знайшли причину. Я прошу вас зв‘язатися з провідними дослідникам цієї хвороби та покажіть свої результати. Я розумію що ви керуєте приватною клінікою але якщо ваші знахідки реальні світ повинен їх знати і ви отримаєте найбільшу шану.

(It’s just a messsge here to Dr Markov that if his finding are substantial to please share with top ME researchers, as many people have destroyed lives.)

Moderator Note: @ME/CFS - Mystery No More! Under ME/CFS hides CBIS--please answer in English as that is the language best understood by the majority of our members. Thank you.
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Dear Dr. Markov, you know very well how many families in the world suffer because their children destroyed their lives with this disease. You would win the Nobel Prize if you really found the reason. I ask you to contact the leading researchers of this disease and show your results. I understand that you run a private clinic but if your findings are real the world should know them and you will get the most respect. [This is a Google translation of the passage below-- in Ukrainian--provided by moderator.]

(It’s just a messsge here to Dr Markov that if his finding are substantial to please share with top ME researchers, as many people have destroyed lives.)

Moderator Note: @ME/CFS - Mystery No More! Under ME/CFS hides CBIS--please answer in English as that is the language best understood by the majority of our members. Thank you.
Dear Forum Members, this translation from Ukrainian to the English language is right.

Truly speaking, it turns out not so easy to overcome the accepted point of view of the world medicine, that ME/CFS is unexplained and not treated. Markov within the last month after publication the "Clinical diagnosis ME/CFS-CBIS" at the 8th Intern. Infectious Congress at London, Febr.15-16, 2021 has submit findings to ME Assosiation, Action for M.E., Solve for ME/CFS, WHO Europe and others.

CDC has published Markov's comments on its Systematic Review Report for Diagnostics&Treatment of ME/CFS for 2021.

How to reach policymakers and influencers responsible for ME/CFS and the authoritative ME/CFS-researchers for their pre-review and expertise conclusions ?

We're ready for any expertise, demonstrative diagnostics ME/CFS-CBIS and treatment.
Only with support of ME/CFS-Community it were possible to overcome the existing conservatism.

Once more: Markov w/ full responsibility declares that based on systematic scientific&clinical researches (2009-2021) the true nature&origin ME/CFS is discovered. In more than 95% cases of ME/CFS it's CBIS, ME/CFS-CBIS is treated w/ full convalescence in total upto 92.7% adults&children w/ ME/CFS-CBIS depending on disease duration.
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Dear Dr. Markov,

I would play the guinea pig. I'm very severe so it should be easy to detect what's wrong with my body. But how can I do it from home? How to test warm urine? I can't leave my bed. No hospital in Germany would do such tests, they would not even give me a room. My doc would. So let me replicate your findings and if it's true and it works I guarantee you you will get millions of $$$ for further research.

Thank you


Dear Martin,

your issue is principally resolvable remotely, prepare your anamnesis abstracts in English oder Deutsch.
I've already reported the Markov's general findings on ME/CFS-CBIS Prof. Dr. Karl Lauterbach MdB (Deutscher Bundestag /Berlin/Koeln, who takes care for ME/CFS in Deutschland) and OMF CEO/President.

I hope they could also assist us both to organize diagnostics and vaccines transfer and in logistics.
Awaiting your feedback.
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Senior Member
United Kingdom
We're ready for any expertise, demonstrative diagnostics ME/CFS-CBIS and treatment.
Only with support of ME/CFS-Community it were possible to overcome the existing conservatism.

Well it's a bit of a Catch 22 isn't it.

You say you need the support of the ME/CFS community to progress, but on what basis should the community give you their support? Currently we're just being asked to take your word for it.

By all means, if you can evidence your claims with some sort of provable, scientific method - and this really shouldn't be hard - then you'll easily attract support and recognition everywhere.

Surely the easiest way would be to pubish your findings in a medical journal, as @Hip says:

Why are you not trying to publish the information in a scientific journal? The usual way to alert medical doctors and the scientific community is through publishing in a medical journal.

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Martin aka paused||M.E.

Senior Member
Once more to Martin aka paused//M.E., Open Medicine Foundation (OMF) Community Ambassador,
at 8:43 AM, June 5:

Dear Martin,
your issue is principally resolvable remotely, prepare your anamnesis abstracts in English oder Deutsch.
I've already reported the Markov's general findings on ME/CFS-CBIS Prof. Dr. Karl Lauterbach MdB (Deutscher Bundestag /Berlin/Koeln, who takes care for ME/CFS in Deutschland) and OMF CEO/President.
I hope they could also assist us both to organize diagnostics and vaccines transfer and in logistics.
Awaiting your feedback.
You can have my Anamnesis. But Herr Lauterbach won't be able to invent a logistical service that brings you my urine warm from Germany to the Ukraine. And I don't know if you knew it: it's not his job. This guy Member of the Bundestag 👋
Linda Tannebaum won't help either, she lives in the US.

Aidan Walsh

Senior Member
Also I can suggest send all information to Dr. Ron Davis at Stanford University his Son is seriously sick bedridden they operat there the Open Medicine Foundation they also Fund Major ME/CFS Research he will

respond to your emails 100% they Fund Research in Montreal Quebec Canada, also European Scientists including Sweden & also Australia as well he is the Director of Genetics at Stanford University California

Aidan Walsh

Senior Member
I have not read the full paper mentioned from Ukraine yet but why does the urine sample need to be kept Warm & how warm? Room Temperature? Are we seeing enlargement of any Kidneys, mine is enlarged left side & does anyone have high creatine kinase levels? thank you
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As it was already informed on the Forum Phoenixrising, the whole work "Chronic Bacterial Intoxication Syndrome under the mask of CFS/ME" consists of Reports 1-9.

Reports 1-6 “CBIS… Clinical Diagnosis” are already published in the proceeding book of the 8th International Congress on Infectious Diseases (February 15-16, 2021, Webinar, “8th Infection Congress, 2021”, London, UK) – in the open-access scientific Journal of Infectious Diseases & Preventive Medicine (Longdom Publishing), 2021, Volume 9 / Conference Proceedings (Scientific Tracks Abstracts): (pdf./HTML, p.32-116).

Also I can suggest send all information to Dr. Ron Davis at Stanford University his Son is seriously sick bedridden they operat there the Open Medicine Foundation they also Fund Major ME/CFS Research he will

respond to your emails 100% they Fund Research in Montreal Quebec Canada, also European Scientists including Sweden & also Australia as well he is the Director of Genetics at Stanford University California

Thanks a lot for info. regarding Dr.R.Davis at the Stanford Uni; some weeks ago we’ve submitted the findings already to OMF.

I have not read the full paper mentioned from Ukraine yet but why does the urine sample need to be kept Warm & how warm? Room Temperature? Are we seeing enlargement of any Kidneys, mine is enlarged left side & does anyone have high creatine kinase levels? thank you

Warm urine at room temperature that 2.5-2.7 times increases the sensitivity of the method and the probability of a positive result, if any, of the bacteriological examination.

If there’re clinical symptomes of ME/CFS-CBIS, then it's necessary to test for screening 1-3 (seldom more) morning WARM urine samples (taken on three consecutive days), at least after 1 month after the end of use of antibiotics, prescribed before by a side-doctor (in case of manifesting pyelonephritis – after 1 week after the end of use of antibiotics or even ealier), NOT the FIRST URINE PORTION, simply at home by natural way by using the known test-systems with nutrient media CLED agar, McConkey agar and chromogenic agar UriSelect (during years we use test-systems NovaMed, Israel, Vice-President Dr.Gavriel Shalmiev). Then follows routine laboratory bacteriological urine examination.

Really, Ultra-sound sees some enlargements in the kidneys of patients w/ ME/CFS-CBIS.
High creatine kinase levels are mostly at renal failure and is not specific for ME/CFS-CBIS.

Remark, how ME/CFS-Community could request at responsible institutions & official organs the authorative expertise of our findings: e.g. through PETITION, as it was made by M.E. patient Mirande de Rijke calling on the Dutch government to treat M.E. seriously: .
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