ME/CFS in Human similar to CCD in Bees?


Senior Member
I was watching an episode of the PBS program Nova entitled "Silence of the Bees," quite a worrisome occurrence of bees and other pollinating insects dying off around the world. Three quarters of plants and most of our food is dependent upon them (originally broadcast on October 28, 2007 see online at ).

The disease is known as Colony Collapse Disorder or CCD. What struck me was the overwhelming sense that this disorder of bees was so similar to ME/CFS in humans. In fact as scientists studied bees they expected to find a single pathogen, but they were amazed to find multiple infectious agents, viruses, bacteria, and fungi were afflicting the bees. They had the same chicken and egg problem, were any of these pathogens the cause, or did they occur as a result? The bees in fact did have an immune deficiency.

In bee populations around the world, some seemed to do better in some regions and worse in others, urban Paris bees seemed better than rural France, the French bees declined in agricultural areas after a pesticide was used leading to its ban, but the bees are still suffering in those regions. In a province of China where heavy pesticide use has totally eliminated bees, most of the plant life is gone except for grasses that are wind pollinated. Pear farmers actually hand pollinate the crop, if the bees collapsed to this degree in the U.S. the cost would be $90B a year - thats a lot of farm hands!

The bees are lethargic, have a loss of appetite, and have memory problems (cognitive impairment).

More recently a specific virus was identified in the bees known as Israeli acute paralysis virus (IAPV) and is considered a prime suspect, but previously mites and other parasites and pathogens have been proposed, some blame biotech foods, others think an overall group of stressors are to blame. Just last week an Israeli company called Beelogics announced an antiviral drug called Remembree to deal with the problem. Sounds familiar doesnt it?

If only we were as well funded as the bees!


Hi Stuart,

Its funny that you started this thread, because I watched the special on PBS about a year ago and was wondering the same thing myself ? ;)


Senior Member
Western Washington
Very interesting connection Stuart!

I have to wonder - how can it be more cost effective to use hand pollinators instead of bees and less toxic pest control? Weird.

The bees disappearing sounds like us here. Makes you have to wonder what other animal populations this is happening to (the bats?) and which ones will be next.



Senior Member

Is so alarming! It is alarming for its possible consequences and for what it reveals about us. We can see this happening and, basically, do nothing. We can see that the Pacific Gyre is full of plastic and do nothing. We are foolish, foolish creatures.

Also interesting is the fact that none suggest the bees are experiencing a factitious bee condition or are malingering.

Things change, new human diseases are emerging all the time and old ones change. Nature is in big trouble - the recent failure of Pacific Salmon has not yet been explained. Frogs are in trouble. On and on and on...

Just how many canaries have to go down this mine?


Senior Member
Somataform Bee Disease? LOL :) White Nose Disease in Bats :(

Is so alarming! It is alarming for its possible consequences and for what it reveals about us. We can see this happening and, basically, do nothing. We can see that the Pacific Gyre is full of plastic and do nothing. We are foolish, foolish creatures.

Also interesting is the fact that none suggest the bees are experiencing a factitious bee condition or are malingering.

Things change, new human diseases are emerging all the time and old ones change. Nature is in big trouble - the recent failure of Pacific Salmon has not yet been explained. Frogs are in trouble. On and on and on...

Just how many canaries have to go down this mine?

"Factitous Bee Condition" :D I needed that grin.

The northeast is where 3/4 of the bats have died due to "White Nose Syndrome" a fungus infecting bat colonies. The result will be an enormous rise in insects - mosquitoes spread West Nile Virus and may spread Lyme - can we expect a sudden rise in rates of infection of diseases spread by insect vectors because of collapse and potential extinction of bats?


Senior Member
CDC to spend $1 million to study incidence of child abuse among bees "claiming" neuro-immune disorder.
CDC spending another $1 million to study possible increased use of health supplements among "supposedly" ill bees


Senior Member
New England
The Bees CCD and Our Disappearing out of Reality

Thank you, Stuart, for that link to the wider picture of reality. I have always been interested in CCD--now I see the connection. Wish I had seen that Nova show--SIGH! I am sad for all the life we human beings have harmed...

Thank you, Koan, for your delightful humor, making fun of how our condition is denied, re-interpreted and trivialized.

Years ago in college, I read a revelatory book called, The Social Construction of Reality. What a new concept that was for me, that "reality" is far more a product of social/cultural thinking than it is anything which is true or factual. I was shocked! But I was getting and would get to experience this and see it first hand. Well, we aren't the only recipients! The reality of so many others is covered over by convenient projections and untruths. That this happens within medicine and science seems particularly inexcusable, just as it does in small social settings where individuals are supposedly known and cared for. People's capacity for deception/self-deception seems nearly endless when some interest is being served.

While I have an internal compass for what is true or real, still I find it very challenging in social environments to know and to express this. If I portray myself, or am regarded, as "fine"--this is both true and not true, just as it is if I portray myself as "disabled". How I am disabled is not something people can easily classify anyway. If they were to hear "the whole story", most of them would leave flat--and have--as they don't know what to do with it or perhaps just figure that such problems leave me as a socially irrelevant person. For my part, I end up leaving a lot of people/relationships, because I no longer occupy the social space that I am accorded.

Right now it feels both funny and true that I/we can be so different from other people's expectations and definitions of us that we can get up--as if we were invisible--and walk away.



Senior Member
New England
The Bees CCD and Our Disappearing out of Reality

Thank you, Stuart, for that link to the wider picture of reality. I have always been interested in CCD--now I see the connection. Wish I had seen that Nova show--SIGH! I am sad for all the life we human beings have harmed...

Thank you, Koan, for your delightful humor, making fun of how our condition is denied, re-interpreted and trivialized.

Years ago in college, I read a revelatory book called, The Social Construction of Reality. What a new concept that was for me, that "reality" is far more a product of social/cultural thinking than it is anything which is true or factual. I was shocked! But I was getting and would get to experience this and see it first hand. Well, we aren't the only recipients! The reality of so many others is covered over by convenient projections and untruths. That this happens within medicine and science seems particularly inexcusable, just as it does in small social settings where individuals are supposedly known and cared for. People's capacity for deception/self-deception seems nearly endless when some interest is being served.

While I have an internal compass for what is true or real, still I find it very challenging in social environments to know and to express this. If I portray myself, or am regarded, as "fine"--this is both true and not true, just as it is if I portray myself as "disabled". How I am disabled is not something people can easily classify anyway. If they were to hear "the whole story", most of them would leave flat--and have--as they don't know what to do with it or perhaps just figure that such problems leave me as a socially irrelevant person. For my part, I end up leaving a lot of people/relationships, because I no longer occupy the social space that I am accorded.

Right now it feels both funny and true that I/we can be so different from other people's expectations and definitions of us that we can get up--as if we were invisible--and walk away.



Senior Member
New England
Sorry for double posting a reply

Excuse me for posting both my first reply and then the edited version! That is cognitive dysfunction at work. I didn't post for a long time anywhere here because I couldn't remember my id... I don't even have a computer at home because I can't handle it without getting into trouble due to cognitive glitches or inadvertent hand motions. I am sorry!
