ME Documentary
Hi All,
Thanks everyone for your response and help. The film I want to make doesn't just look at the effect the condition has on suffers; I'm looking to take it a stage further by exploring what efforts the government have made towards discovering the cause of the condition. We all know that there seems to be some kind of hidden scandal going on and I think I'm in a good position, having worked in TV for ten years, to expose them by making a film which will reveal 'the cruel extent of the crimes committed against people suffering with ME/CFS'.
I had ME for six years and like so many, I was placed in a mental health clinic where I was checked upon every 30 minutes to make sure I hadn't committed suicide. It was drilled into my head that my condition was psychological. About one year ago, I heard about a girl who made a full recovery from treating an overgrowth of Candida (Candidiasis). Her recovery was so quick that her mum became trained in treating Candida. And over the following years her mother, Sandra, successfully helped a large number of others recover from ME; I soon became one of them. Speaking to Sandra, she has a 100% success rate for helping people recover from ME by treating the Candida. I was curious to know why Candida overgrowth (Candidiasis) isn't recognized by the government. Is it a coincidence that both ME and Candida are having a hard time getting recognition? For more info on Candida please see The National Candida's website.
I understand that many have tried the Candida route and it hasn't worked for them. This may be because it isn't the Candida which is the cause of their ME or it maybe that the treatment they received was somewhat different. There are many steps after getting rid of the Candida such as healing the gut wall from leaky gut syndrome and getting rid of all the parasites and viruses that the body cumulates over many years. I'm not saying Candida is the cause of ME. I'm saying it was the cause of my ME and many others. Anyway, my film isn't about Candida... it's about everything surrounding ME; If Candida has been the cause of many peoples ME then we will report on it and the same applies to other treatments that have claimed to work for other people. I'm working hard in my spare time to create a film for the sole purpose of helping others. I'm well, so it doesn't affect me! If I can help just one person on the road to recovery then I will be pleased. But I want to make a great film that will help portray just how shocking ME is and dealt with -- with the hope that things change for everyone the better.
I am not a journalist. I use to work at ITV as what's called a Shooting Producer/Director but only for light entertainment series. I'm now mainly working as a Lighting Cameraman only, for series such as Panorama. I (or we) are very lucky because there is a very experienced senior producer who worked for many years on ITV's 'Tonight' (currently at C4 news) who likes the idea of this film and is willing to help pitch and, if successful, produce/direct this film. When we have everything together we will be pitching to the likes of Channel 4 current-affairs documentaries. Fingers crossed. I am going to need as much help as I can from everyone with building some solid facts about ME which may help persuade a commissioning editor to commission this film. The info can be as shocking as you like. These are truly exciting times as I'm sure things are about to change for the better.
Im sorry of I dont reply straight away as I have a lot on at the moment with working abroad etc. But I thank you once again for all of your help.
Richard Jeffs