For anyone down under with MCS Multiple Chemical Sensitivity... this resource seems to be top notch..
This particular link is about psychosomatic lablelling but this is just the door to many other good articles| this site addresses cfs ..fibro issues too here is a taste
Comparative investigations in referral clinic populations have reported that up to
- 70% of patients with fibromyalgia meet the case definition for the chronic fatigue syndrome and, conversely, that
- 35% to 70% of patients with the chronic fatigue syndrome have fibromyalgia.
- Moreover, 13% to 18% of patients with temporomandibular disorder meet fibromyalgia criteria and
- 75% of patients with fibromyalgia satisfy the case definition for temporomandibular disorder.
- Other painful conditions, such as tension headache, also commonly co-occur with fibromyalgia.
- Furthermore, 32% to 80% of patients with fibromyalgia, 58% to 92% of patients with the chronic fatigue syndrome, and 64% of patients with temporomandibular disorder also have IBS.
- Conversely, 32% to 65% of those with IBS meet the criteria for fibromyalgia.
- Moreover, one study showed that the symptoms reported by patients with fibromyalgia and patients with interstitial cystitis were more similar to each other than to those reported by healthy controls.
- Finally, in 53% to 67% of persons with the chronic fatigue syndrome, illness worsens with exposure to various chemicals, and
- 55% of persons with fibromyalgia have symptoms consistent with multiple chemical sensitivity.
- In contrast, 30% of patients with multiple chemical sensitivity meet the criteria for the chronic fatigue syndrome.
Taken together, these direct comparisons of patient groups generally demonstrate high rates of diverse clinical conditions regardless of the condition examined.”
“In studies that assessed patients with a single unexplained clinical condition for the presence of at least one additional syndrome found that,
- among patients with fibromyalgia,
- 21% to 80% have coexisting chronic fatigue syndrome (39, 43, 61),
- 36% to 60% have IBS (8, 27, 32, 40, 43, 48, 51),
- 10% to 80% have headaches (27, 32, 43, 57),
- 75% have mandibular dysfunction (35), and
- 33% have multiple chemical sensitivity (54).
- Many patients with the chronic fatigue syndrome also have
- IBS (63%) (49),
- multiple chemical sensitivity (41%) (64), and
- other unexplained illnesses (67).
- Of interest, these studies suggest that sex may influence the co-occurrence of unexplained clinical conditions. For example,
- IBS is more common among women (40%) than men (14%) with fibromyalgia (66), and
- fibromyalgia occurs more often in women (36%) than men (12%) with the chronic fatigue syndrome (12).”
“The patients’ symptoms and syndromes have been called “functional,” “somatic,” “medically unexplained,” and “psychosomatic....A major limitation of all categories of explanatory models is their inability to account for the occurrence of unexplained clinical conditions in a large proportion of affected patients (for example, many patients do not have depression, have not been abused, or do not demonstrate neuroendocrine changes at the time of testing).” (Aaron and Buchwald, 2001)
Seems Australia is light years ahead... often wish I lived there...hope this is of use