''the most impressive open international biomedical research conference to take place this year''
Thank you
@charles shepherd for writing this interesting report.
I have one small quibble that seems to be causing some debate and deflecting attention from the content.
I read the above quoted phrase without careful attention to every word, and was confused that you called it the best (edit: most impressive) conference this year, after such brilliant IiME and OMF conferences from which all the talks were available streamed or on DVD. Being able to watch all those talks from my bed has been a highlight of my year.
Then I read your phrase again and noticed that little word 'open'.
The next question I ask myself is, have there been any other open biomedical conferences on ME this year to provide a basis of comparison? And, if so, what made this one the best (Edit: most impressive)?
This claim of 'best' status seems an unnecessary attempt to big up the CMRC conference ahead of the OMF and IiME, simply because it did not include closed sessions for scientists (which are hugely valuable).
I know this seems like nit picking, but it does feed into the narrative that the MEA supports the CMRC ahead of other organisations.
While the CMRC gives a platform to the likes of Esther Crawley, (and, to compound the insult, does not allow us to watch her talk and critique it), some of us will go on 'nit picking'.
On the plus side, I am looking forward to watching over the next few days the talks that we are allowed to see.