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ME article published in The Hill, an important Capitol Hill publication

Jennifer J

Senior Member
Southern California
Hi all! The more comments on the article's website, and the more social media shares (from the site) we get, the more The Hill will want to publish future articles on ME. This is the publication that people who work on Capitol Hill look at.

Great article and in The Hill! Good job. Thank you, @RivkaRivka!! :):) :hug:

Thank you also for the reminder in how we can help:

The more comments on the article's website, and the more social media shares (from the site) we get, the more The Hill will want to publish future articles on ME

I didn't know that the social media shares (from the site) would help like that, too. Done!
New England, USA
RivkaRivka said:
"Decades of government indifference have dug ME patients into a hole they are desperate to get out of. Correcting problems of this magnitude, on a timescale that helps currently living -- yet at times barely alive -- ME patients requires focused leadership from HHS, NIH and CDC. To get that we must have Congressional help, an exponential increase in resources and an expedited strategic plan. All this must be implemented with the urgency desperately sick patients deserve."

Thank you @RivkaRivka for this EXCELLENT article and for the great advocacy that you do for us. As a severe bedridden sufferer; ill for 33 years, I'm extremely grateful that you speak for me!