Just wondering if anyone knows of a relationship between these tests?
on two different blood tests:
Feb 2013:
Red Blood Cell Count: 5.58 (4.50-5.30)
MCHC: 35 g/dl (31.5-34.5)
B12: 790 ng/l (191-663)
Sept 2013:
Red Blood Cell Count: 5.53 (4.50-5.30)
MCHC: 346 g/l (315.00-345.00)
B12: 880 ng/l (191-663)
I have various symptoms including neuropathys,
Just wondering if anyone knows of a relationship between these tests?
on two different blood tests:
Feb 2013:
Red Blood Cell Count: 5.58 (4.50-5.30)
MCHC: 35 g/dl (31.5-34.5)
B12: 790 ng/l (191-663)
Sept 2013:
Red Blood Cell Count: 5.53 (4.50-5.30)
MCHC: 346 g/l (315.00-345.00)
B12: 880 ng/l (191-663)
I have various symptoms including neuropathys,