Sadly this is a common experience. Our problems are so out of the box that standard medical responses fail. Even with speciality treatments its often the case the evidence is weak, but even there you cannot know if you don't try it.
i don't know why ppl can't figure out that protocols come from money and research -- even most doctors don't understand the pipeline... e.g.
funding -> research -> protocols defined -> doctors taught/trained -> patient benefit (cure or improvement)
I've never had a doctor say, "I'm sorry, but the science just isn't there yet" .. IOW, the truth. And, there are so many points of failure along the way... Even if you get the funds, they can be mismanaged (e.g., no plan or clear objectives, etc.) or doctors can never get more training after med school...
This concept is impossible for almost everyone in my life to understand... and it's impossible for me to understand why they don't get it! ...argh..