Too bad if s/he doesn't like it? Then I don't have a doctor, and pissing off one specialist doesn't give me the right to demand another. I think we're working with different healthcare systems here. From what I understand of the US healthcare system, then it seems to be far more consumer-led. I'm working with the NHS. I was lucky to get a referral to dermatology in the first place, I had to convince my GP that I deserved it to begin with, and I only managed that by pointing out that I've had the dermographism and eczema (both atopic and seborrhoeic, incidentally - the atopic is fairly new) for years now and we still aren't managing to control them. If I come back and say that the dermatologist threw me out for trying to teach her her own job, my GP isn't just going to send me to another one. So I do need to play nicely.
Sorry if that sounded a bit grumpy! And yes, I saw that document further up the thread, that was the one I was referring to. In my experience, doctors really don't like it when you turn up with instructions for them in that way. I suspect it doesn't help if the research is from abroad, too.
Cheers for the pronunciation, it's what I thought it was, so I presume that the "mast" bit alone has the short A. So what do I say? "Some sort of mast cell problem"? Do I ask for the skin patches to be biopsied? And do you happen to know anything about the size of the lesions? When I've looked up mastocytosis lesions so far, the one pictured have been huge, but I have no idea what the range might be. I'm very discouraged by the way my GP fobbed me off with them, I must say. Any idea what I can ask for that's reasonable? Skin biopsies, for instance? Are there standard blood tests? Histamine levels?
For the record, here's that symptom list we were talking about. I don't have the energy to look up all the terms I don't understand just now, though I've checked a few.
Abdominal - abdominal pain (yes), intestinal cramping and bloating (yes), diarrhea and/or obstipation (yes), nausea (yes), non-cardiac chest pain (no), Helicobacter pylori-negative gastritis (don't think so), malabsorption (no idea)
Oropharyngeal - burning pain (no), aphthae (occasionally)
Respiratory - cough (no), asthma-like symptoms (no), dyspnea (yes), rhinitis (occasional runny nose - think it might be the antihistamines actually), sinusitis (no)
Ophthalmologic - conjunctivitis (no), difficulty in focusing (yes), (also I have dry eyes)
Hepatic - splenomegaly, hyperbilirubinemia, elevation of liver transaminases, hypercholesterolemia (no idea what any of that is but my liver function test came back fine)
Splenomegaly (wassat?)
Lymphadenopathy (no idea)
Cardiovascular - tachycardia (occasionally, though it's more like pounding heartbeat), blood pressure irregularity (hypotension and/or hypertension) (yes), syncope (no, but I get near-syncope a lot), hot
flush (often after meals)
Neuropsychiatric (what a lovely new word) - headache (yes), neuropathic pain (yes), polyneuropathy (?), decreased attention span (yes), difficulty in concentration (yes), forgetfulness (yes), anxiety (sometimes but due to other disorders e.g. PMDD), sleeplessness (yes), organic brain syndrome (no idea but it sounds scary), vertigo (yes), lightheadedness (yes), tinnitus (yes)
Cutaneous - urticaria pigmentosa (think this is the small brown lesions), hives (not entirely sure), efflorescences (?) with/without pruritus (I do get itchy skin), telangiectasia (do those little red dots on my skin count?), flushing (not that I've noticed), angioedema (no) - (also I have seborrhoeic eczema, dermagraphism, atopic eczema, bloody fussy skin, and hundreds of tiny skin tags over my neck and moving onto my upper torso which have never been explained. Very randomly, if I drink coffee then the next day my nose peels - my mother has this too)
Abnormal bleeding - (no)
Musculoskeletal - muscle pain (yes), osteoporosis/osteopenia (not that I'm aware of), bone pain (no), migratory arthritis (no, but I do get joint and tendon pain, and calcific tendinitis)
Interstitial cystitis - (yes)
Constitutional - fatigue (yes), asthenia (yes), fever (no), environmental sensitivities (yes)
The thing is, weird coffee reaction aside, isn't most of this normal with ME?
Current plan is to turn up with a diagnosis list, and bear the mast cell disorders criteria in mind when putting together that list, plus more details for anything skin-related. They did allergy patch testing on me last time I was in, but I just turned out to be allergic to one or two things I never encounter anyway.