man flu pill


Senior Member
Melbourne, Australia
Well, taniaaust1,

that article looked authentic, but the title sounds like a joke.

Men & Women are different in their physiological & psychological make-up, but I still think some men sneeze twice & think they've got the flu. I don't know whether this is ignorance of the symptoms of the real flu, or that some men just like to retreat to their beds & be nurtured & coddled. I suppose even clinical trials with placebos can be inaccurate.

I believe the connection between mind & body is very significant. If you put me in a clinical trial & I thought I might have the drug (instead of the placebo), I daresay I might improve if my mind was open.

I suppose there WILL be more male & female drugs one day, as medical science & research uncovers even more differences in the sexes.


Senior Member
Victoria, BC
Victoria, I am shocked! You are describing men as some doctors apparently think of women--this is blatant sexism! If it is true--and I have no doubt it is--that "some men" like to retreat to bead and be coddled, it is also true that "some women" doubtless like to do the same. Yes, we are different, but with lots of overlap, thank goodness. No sexist stereotyping, please! And in my view, the mind is not "connected" to the body--the mind is one aspect of the total functioning of the whole body. Where would you place the autonomic nervous system, that controls our breathing, blood supply, digestion, etc. without our conscious knowledge--is that "mind" or "body"? Best, Chris


Senior Member
Melbourne, Australia
LOL, Chris,

I was waiting to see which man would "bite my head off" first. :D

I truly AM sorry with my sexist remark - sincere apologies - sheer devilment in me, forced me to type that sentence.

But I'll keep my idea that mind, body (& spirit) are connected, thanks.