males who have used dhea


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Hi, Just got results back of my hormones, my total testosterone is quite high(although it doesnt feel like it, lol), free testosterone was just below normal range, estrogen in mid range and my dhea levels were quite low.

I have taken dhea before but my original levels were higher when i started but did find it helped some as far as general wellbeing etc. So im going to take it again (50mg/day)and 4 weeks time have another blood test to see where everything is at.

I have read differing things on how dhea is metabolised into other hormones. What im hoping for is that it increases my free testosterone(and my athletic ability in the bedroom, lol), but have also read that it can increase estrogen levels as well, does anyone know if it does this by increasing total test which then aromatises into estrogen or does it directly increase estrogen.

Also anyones experience with this would be appreciated, especially blood test results after being on dhea. I know a few are sceptical of hormones in reguards to xmrv, but i think having them at an optimal level can only help with our condition, immune system etc.



work in progress
N. California
I have used DHEA to help my exhausted adrenals and raise my DHEA levels, which were chronically low. (I am female, btw)

I found that regular DHEA made me a little crazy, due to the fact that it can metabolize into estrogen and create estrogen dominance, with all the uncomfortable side effects that entails. HOWEVER, 7-Keto DHEA is a whole different beast. It CAN'T metabolize into anything, and works much better for me because of that.

Here's one article about it. I'm sure there's more if you google it.


If your free testosterone is actually below range then that's pretty significant. Chances are your doc ran the female estrogen test rather than the more specific "sensitive" estrogen test that is recommended for males.

If your total T is good but free T is low then something is binding it up, the most likely culprit is SHBG. This can be high in people with excess estrogen although that is just one of the causes.

From the studies I've read oral DHEA tends to be metabolized into estrogen in males. Taking it sublingually or using a DHEA cream may help prevent this by bypassing the first pass in the liver. I take 25mg in the morning and evening sublingual and it's brough my levels up without any negative effects.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
hi big, thats my concern is about it aromatising to estrogen, Im hoping it increases my free T. I am using DIM and taking zinc to help with estrogen metabolism and thinking of ordering some nettle root which I have heard helps free T. I will see how my blood tests pan out. My doc did seem to understand about estrogen antagonist when i mentioned it, so have this up my sleeve. Creams or sublingual sounds interesting, will took to the chemist today about this, thanks.

E2 was what test my doc ordered,it came in at 147pmol/L (40-250), these are australian labs so numbers are different to the states but have found one report where guys optimal levels should be around 60pmol/L. Strange how dhea is low but total T is high, wonder if this is common??

Also just read someone experience on dhea, his labs said his total T went up slightly and his free T and dhea levels went up alot as well as his E2 but said he was feeling good, dont know if i have that much room for my E2 to go up.

Thanks again for the response.


Low DHEA may just be associated with aging or could be related to adrenal problems. I'm not aware of any research showing that DHEA increases testosterone in males. In fact, it's this reason which has routinely kept it from being banned/controlled like other anabolic steroids and prohormones. Oddly enough, it may increase testosterone in females.

Keep in mind that DHEA is created through ACTH stimulation from the pituitary. Supplementing may theoretically result in a decrease in ACTH and thus cortisol which seems to already be low in people with CFS. That being said, I take DHEA and find it very helpful for my overall mood. I use the LEF brand sublingual.

I'm on testosterone replacment as well, I can tell you that getting my testosterone from the bottom of the range to the top has made a tremendous difference for me. The fact that you are below range is probably a good indicator why you feel bad.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
thanks for the reply, i guess i will see how the dhea go's and with follow up blood tests. Dont think i will get test replacement as total test is already quite high, but need to manipulate dhea and estrogen to hopefully increase freeT. Will keep u informed. Have also posted on T-nation and getting some tips there from a few guys involved in hormone stuff, not a roid cycle though just about optimising hormones and turning the clock back.

Thanks again


thanks for the reply, i guess i will see how the dhea go's and with follow up blood tests. Dont think i will get test replacement as total test is already quite high, but need to manipulate dhea and estrogen to hopefully increase freeT. Will keep u informed. Have also posted on T-nation and getting some tips there from a few guys involved in hormone stuff, not a roid cycle though just about optimising hormones and turning the clock back.

Thanks again

Good luck to ya! My opinion is that the best forum around for men's hormone issues is Dr. Crisler's

You will get a lot of help there from knowledgeable guys and the doc himself.


senior member
Concord, NH
My Dr told me to take 25mg of DHEA about 1 year ago. I had some blood work done recently but will not see the Dr until about the end of this month. So not sure what he will say. If you want me to ask any questions just relay them here. I have subscribed to this thread. I am a male.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
hi ggingues, since taking it have u had any other blood work done? how did it affect total and freeT as well as dhea and E2 levels, overall how has it made u feel.



The problem with 7-keto (according to multiple docs I've seen) is that it naturally occurs in very trace amounts in the body, taking large doses of it goes beyond hormone replacement. Additionally, there is no lab test for it so there is no way to tell how much is actually in your body.

Normal DHEA is not usually a problem unless supraphysiological doses of it are used, the more excess the more conversion to T or E.

That being said, I've never taken the 7-keto form so I can't speak to whether or not it works. Some people report good results with it.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Its only been a week and a half on dhea, but i am feeling somewhat better, more energy through the day. A couple of times i have taken a second 50mg dose at night and feel that bit better the next day, so i think im onto something here, even sleep has improved abit, need less meds to sleep. Low dhea is a sign of adrenal fatigue/insufficiency and dhea normally counteracts cortisol, keeping it down within normal range, i think when cortisol becomes the dominant hormone thats when sleep problems ocurr.

It must be doing something, i had this strange thought the other day about when i was in my early twenties and played rugby league, there was this guy who played a couple of seasons with us and he was in his early forties, for just a minute i considered it, but then i snapped out of it and chuckled to myself, i wish, lol.

I will stay with the 50mg a day and see what my next blood test reveils and if ok might go up to 100mg a day, so 2 1/2 weeks till blood test.