Major Crash - Please help me!

Martin aka paused||M.E.

Senior Member
@MartinDH - I'm sorry about your situation. When I crash, I increase my electrolytes and amino acids. If you haven't tried different amino acids and have favorites, just a whey protein is a good way to get lots of them. Some people like D-ribose and creatine. It's also nice to have the liquid shakes since eating can be hard while in a crash. My best wishes to you.

I have taken the AA and electrolytes and this morning I am even weaker... any thoughts on that?
Another possibility might be that my room was too cold this night?


Senior Member
North Carolina
I have POTS and this sounds like my POTS flares. My biggest triggers are mold, VOCs/volatile organic compounds, and sudden temperature/humidity changes. When I was living in a moldy rental, I had POTS symptoms constantly. In non-moldy environment, my baseline sounds really close to yours. If I'm exposed to these things (maybe a moldy grocery store, a friend's water damaged home, a shopping center with new flooring, a new building period... a roommate's hairspray, an air freshener, and so on), I immediately have POTS symptoms and they usually linger 2-14 days. Sometimes it's not an exposure - the weather and humidity changes kill me, especially cold to warm weather. It's a beautiful humid day from the 40F to 70F and my body is like NO JOYFUL SPRING INSIDE HERE SUCKAS.

the list @i-lava-u provided is pretty comprehensive list of what I do. When I was first dx-ed with POTS, I was on adderall (for ADD), and decided to taper off it. Discovered that adderall was paradoxically lowering my heart rate (the doc said likely because it's a vasoconstrictor). Eventually I was able to taper off it, but it was very helpful in controlling symptoms at the time, as I couldn't tolerate other typical POTS meds. So now when I'm in POTsie mode - I pay attention to what causes vasoconstriction and dilation. CBD oil (though helpful for some) makes it worse. Caffeine (which I usually limit) sometimes helps.

More electrolytes help but sometimes different types work better for me - I don't know why. Gatorade and Powerade zero are my old faves, but I also use pedialyte, coconut water, chicken broth. I've always done best with the combo of pinch of salt, drink some gatorade, as if taking a shot of tequila. Plain sea salt, I just eat it up, I add it to everything. Anything to keep my water in me - when I'm having POTS symptoms, it's like all I do is drink and pee. (tmi, but fact)

I've been dx-ed with mold illness and have genetic issues excreting volatile organic compounds, so the POTS symptoms stick around once I've been exposed. I do what I can to help my organs get rid of it. Green juices. Dandelion, cilantro, parsley, etc. I've had some luck with Terry's Naturals (turmeric & boswellia) for general inflammation (more than taking either of these alone).

Amino acids have had no effect for me.

I have prescription hardcore thigh high compression hose - those help sometimes. And cheap knee highs (sometimes the pressure of the prescription ones starts to hurt).

At one point, I bought a dehumidifer because humidity indoors was affecting me as much as temperature - generally colder, and less humid works best for me for POTS.

I eat lightly when I'm having POTS issues... anything requiring a lot of digestion seems to exacerbate POTS. Soups. Smoothies. Lightly cooked veggies and fruit.

A useful question might be "do I feel worse or better in my home, or say, outside?" Could hone on triggers.

I'm sorry you're having a flare. Hope you find something that works soon!