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digital dog

Senior Member
I realise that I have gone officially mad but has anyone tried magnets? A friend has suggested I try a ladymagnet for hormones problems. She said that after two days her hot flashes stopped.
Is desperation making me go insane? Are magnets worth trying for pain etc?
I did look at all the reviews and I was impressed but I'm so sceptical.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
A friend has suggested I try a ladymagnet for hormones problems.
Well no idea about "ladymagnets!"
Are magnets worth trying for pain etc?
But I have some tiny gold plated, 2500 gauss magnets from Japan that definitely do help me with joint/muscle pain. Perhaps they increase circulation? I get really tough pain in the sacroiliac joint from EDS (it slips out of place) and sticking a few of these tiny magnets on the area reduces the pain significantly--for me! The brand I have is Accu Band. They work, but I really don't know why.

digital dog

Senior Member
That seems to be the overall feeling about magnets. ON the review sections three quarters of people derive some sort of relief. I will try a ladymagnet as I do not have to pay for it and i can't imagine it will be problematic.
I will let people know if I suddenly start springing out of bed!!!