Magnesium Oxide for severe Constipation?


Senior Member
the dose of Miralax that's not working would be useful to know.

Many people don't take enough miralax. @CantThink is right. When I'm facing impaction I typically do a capful in 10 ounces of regular water first thing in the morning. Repeat every 4 hours through the day away from meals, and keep the meals liquid only (chicken broth, almond milk, etc). By the next morning you should be going. If not, then I'd be concerned.

That is basically like a prep regimen for a colonoscopy. It usually starts off very watery (6-7 bristol) because the liquid stool has to move around the dry, impacted stool to get out. It will slowly soften after that and become more normal (4-5 bristol).

This all assumes that you are not severely underweight, so that a liquid diet wouldn't harm you, and that there is nothing physically wrong in the colon.


Senior Member
I found erythromycin to be more effective, in my case.

I've been scared to do the neomycin, given the horrible side-effects it can have. I'd rather not be deaf or have kidney failure. I actually have it in my medicine cabinet and haven't had the nerve to take it.


Senior Member
@SwanRonson ;

I've been more than wary of antibiotics for 30 yrs. I've only taken herbals all this time until last fall.
They all have side effects. Since I have nerve damage, they all give me neuritis for starters. I stop when that happens.

The studies et al. that I read use a wide variety of dosages now, distinct from the past. There doesn't seem to be the extreme fear of resistance. I read many anecdotes of people having side effects from the standard doses, so, I question that standard.

I've been treating myself with these antibiotics, ordered online, so I don't have credibility, but, I find I only need about 1/4 or less of what a typical dosage is recommended.

I understand your reticence.

I just got so sick of enemas...


Senior Member
Brisbane, Australia
Magnesium sulfate (Epsom salts) is a safe non-habit forming osmotic laxative.
Get a hold of a copy of the book "The other women's movement" by the colorectal surgeon Dr Michael Levitt who came up with the product COLOCAP Balance which is encapsulated Mag sulfate to avoid the horrible taste. His theory is to take it in large dose, 15 tablets over 1/2 an hour, once or twice a week.