MAF 314, looking for someone to share

MAF 314

Dear All,

Happy and healthy New Year to all of us!

I wanted to post again, because I got my latest results earlier today - after having prepared and enjoyed my daily portion of MAF 314 yoghurt for over a month now. My doc at the clinic greeted me with a big smile, as my CD4 count went up from 380 (20%), VL 400.000 at the end of November, to 510 (23%), VL 520.000 at the beginning of January. This is all HIV related, btw - but may well be relevant for others, too.

4 weeks, 130 cells. I am super-happy! The viral load is a separate issue and should be clarified.

My doc, fortunately, appears to be very open-minded, and his treatment approach has always been reasonable - or conservative, as he calls it. As long as cells are fine, no ARVs needed. He never actively pushed me to take ARVs - and I am grateful for that. Although, thinking about it, he had suggested not to delay treatment any longer...

Anyway, there will be more people having tried MAF 314 independently. Wherever you are... Let us know! If, ideally, we can all document our own cases thoroughly, this will convince others, too. I am aware of some issues, such as cost and availability of MAF 314 that need to be considered. Also, the number of individual cases in this ongoing self-organised study is still too small, etc...

I am over the moon! An effective non-toxic treatment intervention is possible!

MAF 3 14 - more good news

Dear All,

Just for your information: news from an Italian who raised his CD4 from 336 (28%) up to 562 (33%) with MAF 3 14.

Thought you might be interested to know. Those of trying here in Europe at getting loosely connected...

Lots of love,


Senior Member
Hi Tomtomtom,

congratulations with the increase of your CD4 cells! It looks like MAF314 is behaving the same (or even better) than Gc-Maf. I have read anecdotal reports from HIV+ on Gc-Maf that their VL also increased, despite the fact their Nagalase went down. If I extend this line to our situation, it looks like we might feel better, but I also have the feeling our VL is not going down. I must say this is just gut feeling, because we don't have yet a virus, and therefore no VL-testing.

One question, and maybe you've addressed that already: Could it be that the increase in VL is due to the fact that the viral reservoirs increase(through mitosis, when immune cells are activated by MAF314 or Gc-Maf) ?

Thank you for sharing your information with us!

A few folks have mentioned sources before.
Could anyone in the U.S. (and East Coast) share where they obtain fresh colostrum?

Many thanks.
hey overstressed,

frankly, i do not know what a higher VL means. if you have no VL measured for your condition, why worry about it. i have not yet done a nagalase test, but will discuss that with my doc. that may be important to understand how MAF works, but for now, all i know it does work for me.

i can think of three options for what this may mean:

1) MAF 314 stimulates the immune system and this leads to an an increase of CD4; however, since there is no HAART, the virus replicates and kills some CD4.
2) Without HAART the virus replicates well, but does not kill the CD4 cells in an immune system - in any case, there seems to be consensus that HIV does not kill CD4s directly (if at all).
3) The viral load determined by PCR is unreliable and shows variations that are neither correlated with the immune system status or with the patient's symptoms (both fine for me).

but also:

4) your explanation
5) it also measures other cell debris...

My guess is 2. HIV is present, and by some indirect effect leads to less HIV in the bloodstream. No direct killing.
The test is: will there be disease or not with high CD4 and high VL together? what if i stop eating the yoghurt for some time - do my cells stay somewhat stable or do they drop quickly?

I will keep you informed, please be in touch. My next results early March.

Lots of love,


Senior Member
Hi Tomtomtom,

Thanks for sharing the results of your blood tests, and congratulations on the promising looking results!
Keep making and taking that yogurt!!



Senior Member
Dr. Enlander is selling a starter you need to buy every month... I know this may sound crazy but years ago... I used to have a sour dough starter. You needed to feed it at least 1 time per month. You would make a new batter for waffles and pull one cup of starter out to be reserved. then when ever you FED the starter it would grow again... For me when I have been flollowing all these GcMAF starters... this sour dough starter comes to mind. This was my thought. Maybe I buy the first starter and make it grow. I give a cup to my sister with Breast cancer who is sick, another cup to two other ME/CFS sick friends. That way there would be three people keeping it alive and moving ahead with it. As for me, I would carry mine back to Italy and I would do my best to keep it alive here. These are my questions:
1) Once you took the Cheney course, if you were not going back to him for more, do they teach you how to FEED the starter so you are then maintaining you own starter indefinably? I understand their is a 6 months back up batch from him if you make a mistake. But if you are not making a mistake are you growing it from your original stash?
2) How often do they say to feed his starter?
3) What amount of the existing starter are you pulling out of the batch to make your newly fed starter?
4) Are you feeding it with the same measurements of added ingredients each time?
5) Does he say there is a limited shelf life to how long your start can be re-fed with out it losing it's strength? for example, if you follow her instructions and do not screw up, can that start keep going a year, 2 years, etc?
6) How long does Cheney want you on MAF? Any blood tests requested?



Fine, thank you
O.k. I see weekly as far as the feedings.. bu the rest of the questions... please help...
Hi lartista - some people discussed this in the context of MAF 878 some months ago but I can't remember where. The answer was a little complex.

Maybe you could start a new thread with a title such as 'Can you keep culturing your own MAF 878 from one original starter culture?' or something like that. No need to be shy about starting new threads! Sometimes a specific question can get lost on a broader thread like this one. I think a lot of people are interested in this topic of culturing from one initial culture, to save money.


Senior Member
Hi Larisa,

I've tried to reculture and make new yoghurt from both the MAF314 and the MAF878 and had some limited success. My feeling is that using the methods I did it wouldn't have lasted for more than 2 or 3 months.

With the MAF314 what I did was make an ordinary cows milk yoghurt with added colostrum (Cheney uses Kirkman I think) and I did get some good response from this. Over time though it did seem to get weaker and weaker. For me it wouldn't have lasted for more than 2 months.

When I froze the MAF314 I could still get a kick of it when I thawed it a couple weeks later. Although it was less than before. I understand though that this is controversial. You'll find people who make yoghurt and say that it degrades quickly when frozen and loses it's potency.

For the MAF878 I experimented with making a cows milk yoghurt with colostrum and kefir. I'm in contact with one of Dr Enlander's patients who has been doing this for a few months and says that it works for her. My version felt weakened but then again I never got a big response from the MAF878.

I just don't know how good this would be for longer periods. I'm told that no one ones what happens when we make the new yoghurts in this way.

Somebody knows where I can find MAF314 cultures in France or near France?

Thanks in advance,


Senior Member

Somebody knows where I can find MAF314 cultures in France or near France?

Thanks in advance,
Dear Luis,
I had contacted Dr. Enlander's office because I spend most of the year in Italy. His assisstant wrote the following email back to me suggesting I buy the product in LONDON. I hope it helps. Here is his email: "Dr. Enlander" <>
"Dear Francesca
I spoke with the Doctor and he said that th starter we send out would last in the refridge up to 8 weeks before you make it up into the yogurt the maf878 starter frozen up to 6 months frozen so you can freeze them and use them as you need them each month i can give your info to our contact in london and she can ship out the maf 878 starter to you easier and you can then pay her directly for the shipping fees and pay us directly for the maf878 please let me know if you would like to do this
thank you laura"


Moderation Resource Albuquerque

Somebody knows where I can find MAF314 cultures in France or near France?

Thanks in advance,

There is a doctor in Vienna who supplies the MAF 314 culture. Her name is in the MAF 314 threads but I don't recall it at the moment. If this is close enough for you and you can't find her name, I can give you a contact who can give you this information.



Senior Member
Dr Uta Santos-Koenig is the doctor in Vienna I think. Told she does Skype lessons on how to make the yoghurt and also in her office but I've not spoken to her for a while now.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Dr Uta Santos-Koenig is the doctor in Vienna I think. Told she does Skype lessons on how to make the yoghurt and also in her office but I've not spoken to her for a while now.

That is the one! And I do know of someone who had a Skype appointment with her.
