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Mady Hornig speaking at Norwich, UK, 23 October 2015

sarah darwins

Senior Member
Cornwall, UK
Nice one, IiME. If it wasn't on the 'wrong' side of the country I'd try to go.

Sasha, did you — or anyone here that you know of — manage to get a direct line of communication to John Darvall of BBC Radio Bristol?

I wonder if he or his producers would be interested in trying to set up an interview with Prof. Hornig while she's in the country speaking.


Fine, thank you
Nice one, IiME. If it wasn't on the 'wrong' side of the country I'd try to go.

Sasha, did you — or anyone here that you know of — manage to get a direct line of communication to John Darvall of BBC Radio Bristol?

I wonder if he or his producers would be interested in trying to set up an interview with Prof. Hornig while she's in the country speaking.

No - he's got his blog but I don't know how to contact him directly. Maybe a phone call to BBCB would get you the means of contact, if you're able.

That's a really good idea.

sarah darwins

Senior Member
Cornwall, UK
No - he's got his blog but I don't know how to contact him directly. Maybe a phone call to BBCB would get you the means of contact, if you're able.

That's a really good idea.
I don't really do phone calls but I'll look into trying to contact them another way. I had a feeling someone posted some sort of contact details, or said they had been in touch with the show, on another thread but I don't have the time to search right now (family visiting for a few days ... do we have a combined smile/scream emoticon?).