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    Created in 2008, Phoenix Rising is the largest and oldest forum dedicated to furthering the understanding of, and finding treatments for, complex chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia, long COVID, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), and allied diseases.

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YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...


Senior Member
Its not a BCAA - its a Tri-Peptide. VERY DIFFERENT.
Im currently having it custom synthesized and will report back to you Zaika11 if I notice improvements.
One member of our Group notices improvements on MCAS symptoms from oral KPV.

Melanocortin-derived tripeptide KPV has anti-inflammatory potential in murine models of inflammatory bowel disease



Senior Member
Can you say what their improvements have been like? I am eyeing that one from the company zaika posted, because of the owners clinical experience with improvement in mast cell issues but I don't know enough about that experience to say whether it would apply to full mcas. So I like to hear that someone you know had improvement, good to know. I encourage everyone to be extra thorough in finding out what we can (which may be very little) to make sure whatever peptide were interested in is appropriate for the individual, because peptides are new in human use. What are you intending it for? Hope you have improvements.
Its not a BCAA - its a Tri-Peptide. VERY DIFFERENT.
Im currently having it custom synthesized and will report back to you Zaika11 if I notice improvements.
One member of our Group notices improvements on MCAS symptoms from oral KPV.

Melanocortin-derived tripeptide KPV has anti-inflammatory potential in murine models of inflammatory bowel disease


YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
Both peptides and proteins are made up of strings of the body's basic building blocks, amino acids, and are held together by peptide bonds.

In simple terms, the difference between BCAAs and peptides is that peptides are generally made up of smaller chains of amino acids, and contain two or more amino acids.....

But you're right .... melanocortin-derived tripeptide KPV is a whole different beast, and much closer to being a neurogenenic hormone than a natural amino chain.

My bad .....
Its not a BCAA - its a Tri-Peptide. VERY DIFFERENT.
Im currently having it custom synthesized and will report back to you Zaika11 if I notice improvements.
One member of our Group notices improvements on MCAS symptoms from oral KPV.

Melanocortin-derived tripeptide KPV has anti-inflammatory potential in murine models of inflammatory bowel disease


I just talked with biologist doctor, here is what she responded “ It’s is fragment of alpha- msh. There are mostly polish works on this one. It’s anti inflammatory in a broad sense”
I think for some people with very weak immune it may be not good idea. It is better to have a specific action, not such general( but it is just may own thoughts).
Looking forward to hear about your experience so much, keep inform please 🙏
Btw got a headache and brain fog from kpv oral and it was sedative. After the first time. Will try lower dose. Damn

i know your post is very old now, but I'm using KPV for my MCAS with pretty good results. The headache and brain fog you had are most likely die-off - KPV is incredibly effective at killing Candida albicans. the first few rounds of KPV I did made my MCAS flare because the KPV was killing off a lot of Candida. About four weeks in, the Candida seems to be gone and I'm starting to feel better. Have even been able to reduce my ketotifen dose and only need cromolyn once or twice a day instead of four times.


Senior Member
i know your post is very old now, but I'm using KPV for my MCAS with pretty good results. The headache and brain fog you had are most likely die-off - KPV is incredibly effective at killing Candida albicans. the first few rounds of KPV I did made my MCAS flare because the KPV was killing off a lot of Candida. About four weeks in, the Candida seems to be gone and I'm starting to feel better. Have even been able to reduce my ketotifen dose and only need cromolyn once or twice a day instead of four times.
What was your dosage?
Tried 0.25-1mg iralky
0.25-1mg injection and both had little effect on my MCAS

Ketotifen was still stronger for me


Senior Member
United Kingdom
@mcasvictoria are you still on kpv? It seems to be great for MCAS. cc @Gingergrrl

My immune system and my allergies now that the artificial indoor heat is being turned on for the autumn is making my allergies go a bit crazy, itchy skin, stuffy or blocked nose, fatigue and some dizziness. Basically a lot of it is to do with a massive over reaction to dust. So I am sort of hoping kpv will work for that, whilst killing off candida and other bad microbes. I was rather susceptible to UTI's last year - partly due to taking magnesium malate but I don't think it was the entire story.

I'm hoping it will improve gut related brainfog and reduce inflammation in general especially through the autumn and winter season.


Senior Member
It seems to be great for MCAS. cc @Gingergrrl

@godlovesatrier I'm so sorry, I didn't see that you tagged me in this thread until today. I am not familiar with "kpv" and have never tried it but I do still take 1 mg of Ketotifen every night as a mast cell stabilizer.

My immune system and my allergies now that the artificial indoor heat is being turned on for the autumn is making my allergies go a bit crazy, itchy skin, stuffy or blocked nose, fatigue and some dizziness.

I cannot even imagine indoor heat b/c it is still so hot here! :fire: :eek:

Can you take an H1 blocker/ anti-histamine for your allergies? (like Zyrtec/Cetirizine, etc)?

have you noticed any weight gain from ketotifen? I've noticed a bit and I don't love that - I'm hoping I can use the KPV to cut the ketotifen down to 0.25mg so that I don't have that side effect.

I've gained weight from meds (past & present) but was not sure if it was due to Ketotifen vs. Hydrocortisone (Cortef) or both? I've finally been able to lose almost 20 lbs but still need to lose another 15 lbs to get back to my ideal weight.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
That reaction I had last week was utterly bizzare. I still don't really know what caused. Mixture of dust. Heat. Having a cold and my immune system being a bit best up. That's all I can fathom :/


Senior Member
United Kingdom
I've taken KPV several times now. Initial dose was 100mcg which gave me some brainfog.

Then I tried 250mcg once a day to check for side effects. I had no side effects prior to my bacillus subtilis hu58 crash, but afterwards intense burning in my lower intestine (it was below where my stomach was) and headaches. However as my crash has resolved the burning seems to have almost gone. The burning was almost stimulating my appetite and I think that's why it gave me headaches.

This stuff is amazing for immune based inflamation, it completely knocked out immune based inflamatory pain when my crash began, reliably after every single dose for about 4 to 5 hours.

The burning I believe was due to some affect on microbiome composition, maybe killing bacteria that shouldn't be there.

As for the MCAS side of things verdict is out on that front. BUT I am not experiencing my usual crash this autumn when putting the heating on. I live in a new house however I think this is due to the prebiotics I've taken and not the kpv, as the prebiotics confer a long term change, whereas kpv only lasts 4-5 hours.

So overall didn't make me worse or miles better, but was great for immune inflamation.