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Lyme tests/IGM


Senior Member
Had a Lyme test done that showed a positive IGM. But I’ve heard these tests are unreliable and that the IGM should become IGG a certain time after the tick bite. It’s been years since I’ve been bitten by a tick and I only started with fatigue this year. What are yalls thoughts on Lyme and testing? Is there any way to know for sure if I have Lyme?

Appreciate any help.


Senior Member
Go to a Lyme literate doctor- check out ILADS and Lymedisease.org. The diagnosis is clinical, and yes symptoms can manifest later- and maybe you have had subtle symptoms all along. Also recommend the book by Dr Richard Horowtiz, How Can I Get Better or something like that. Silly title. Good book.


Senior Member
I was IgM positive by western blot. My understanding is that this suggests a current infection.

It says on my results that a positive IGM more than a month after symptoms appear is often a false positive. My doctor said in my case it most likely was since I had high EBV this year. Things like EBV, bacterial infections, etc can often cause false positives. I've seen the same info online at various sources. But I am by NO means an expert on this, so definitely talk to a Lyme doctor.


almost there...
Laurentians, Quebec
I'm very skeptical at this point of anything the CDC has to say about Lyme. They've done a lot of damage in the way they've handled it. And now in their updated guidelines they refer to "late Lyme" and mention that "some doctors believe..." and so on. The science is coming in: Eva Sapi has shown that it persists; multiple studies have been done on persister cells, and the new bb phage test looks to be interesting.

Here is my western blot from 2011.

Lyme IgG western blot
Igenex result - positive
CDC/NYS -negative
**34 kDa +
**41 kDa +
58 kDa +

Lyme IgM western blot
Igenex result - positive
CDC/NYS result - positive
**31 kDa +++
**39 kDa +
**41 kDa ++
**83-93 kDa +

Based on the treatments that work for me I no longer have any doubt about my Lyme positive status.


Senior Member
I'm very skeptical at this point of anything the CDC has to say about Lyme. They've done a lot of damage in the way they've handled it. And now in their updated guidelines they refer to "late Lyme" and mention that "some doctors believe..." and so on. The science is coming in: Eva Sapi has shown that it persists; multiple studies have been done on persister cells, and the new bb phage test looks to be interesting.

Here is my western blot from 2011.

Lyme IgG western blot
Igenex result - positive
CDC/NYS -negative
**34 kDa +
**41 kDa +
58 kDa +

Lyme IgM western blot
Igenex result - positive
CDC/NYS result - positive
**31 kDa +++
**39 kDa +
**41 kDa ++
**83-93 kDa +

Based on the treatments that work for me I no longer have any doubt about my Lyme positive status.

Interesting. What treatments worked for you?


almost there...
Laurentians, Quebec
Interesting. What treatments worked for you?

Most antibiotics do nothing for my Lyme. The exceptions are Dapsone and Bactrim, and I figure this has to do with them being persister drugs. And yet the die off I get from garlic is just about as intense as what I get from Bactrim. Garlic's efficacy here is something I learned about long before the study showing garlic and various other herbs to be effective for Lyme persisters came out. This is the one I'd recommend to those just getting started. It's also anti-parasitic, anti-fungal, and a lot more.

I tested positive for babesia duncani at the same time as I did Lyme. I took all kinds of stuff to try to eradicate the infection but was unable to, so I now take 1 malarone and 1 primaquine per day to maintain life-changing improvement.

I don't think I would have gotten anywhere had I not moved from a moldy house.

I can just about guarantee that if someone has Lyme as well as ME/CFS there's a whole lot more going on. Going after Lyme with drugs is in this case, I believe, the wrong approach. Dr deMeirleir was at fault not because he was too radical but because he wasn't radical enough. Herbs and detox is the way to start for chronic Lyme, and then maybe some meds, but most MD's don't yet understand this.

I highly recommend Dr Neil Nathan's "Toxic." There's enough in that book to start a health revolution.