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Lumbar Puncture Position

Does anyone know if it makes any difference in spinal fluid pressure if you keep your knees bent while undergoing a lumbar puncture? The first doctor said to stay curled in a ball, the second didn't saying anything and the third said to make sure my legs were straight.


Senior Member
I was told to curl,in order to get a round curve in your back/spine.
Doctor is then able to see better where he has to place the syringe.
IDK if it makes a difference on spinal fluid pressre.


Senior Member
A quick (very quick) literature review revealed that:
1. this has mainly been studied in children
2. findings are of slightly higher lumbar CSF "opening pressure" (the pressure measured when entering the spinal fluid sac) when the patient is in the flexed rather than extended position (e.g. legs bent) but the difference is small (about 5 cm H20)
3. Since many now do this under fluoroscopy, the patient is often positioned prone rather than on the side. A study of those two positions showed no difference in opening pressure (abstract didn't say if patients were flexed in side position, I would guess not).

Bottom line: it probably doesn't make a huge difference. If your number is slightly high and you were in the flexed position, that could be why. But a distinctly elevated number will not be because of positioning.