Low levels of Akkermansia


Senior Member
Southern California
I have had a stool test done through Thryve and the results shows very low levels of Akkermansia.
(Normal levels is 12-42% and mine is 0.1%)

Unfortunately Thryve does not offer Akkermansia as a supplement and want me to get it through food. I have not been able to find Akkermansia as a supplement on amazon either.

So is food the only way to increase this? Because most of the foods I see (such as pomegranate or cranberries) that are suppose to increase Akkermansia lower blood pressure and I already have low blood pressure... I get really bad headaches and dizziness when my blood pressure lowers more.... Taking salt helps but only for me to manage my life without taking anything that lowers blood pressure.

So my question is:
Can anyone recommend a way to increase Akkermansia without lowering blood pressure?
Thanks so much,


Senior Member
Is it something that can be increased as a natural process from increasing resistant starch intake? A teaspoon of inulin or potato starch in a smoothie might work, though I found potato starch made changes to my biome that induced anxiety. So for me I cooked potatoes then cooled them and ate them fried the next day. You can also do this with white rice. The cooling process changes the carbs into resistant starch. I found this made a gentle yet impactful change to my gut. It mainly reduced migraine frequency for me.


Senior Member
Southern California
Is it something that can be increased as a natural process from increasing resistant starch intake? A teaspoon of inulin or potato starch in a smoothie might work, though I found potato starch made changes to my biome that induced anxiety. So for me I cooked potatoes then cooled them and ate them fried the next day. You can also do this with white rice. The cooling process changes the carbs into resistant starch. I found this made a gentle yet impactful change to my gut. It mainly reduced migraine frequency for me.
Thanks but I can't have that much starch as I have SIBO and other GI issues and starchy products make it worst.
I have started eating a bag of raspberries per day to see how that works... I don't know if Raspberries have as much Akkermansia as cranberries or Pomegranate but at least they don't drop my blood pressure too low.


Senior Member
I haven't read the above links but berberine...in this write up states"Berberine has been shown to reverse a lacking gut barrier, along with the absorption of gut-derived toxins that comes with it, by promoting the 👉👉👉growth of Akkermansia muciniphila—leading to an improved intestinal barrier,* reduced circulating levels of gut-derived toxins and a significant reduction in inflammation. Another helpful bacteria boosted by berberine is 👉👉Bifidobacterium—beneficial* to intestinal health, it reduces absorption of gut-derived toxins and inflammation"


Senior Member
I have had a stool test done through Thryve and the results shows very low levels of Akkermansia.
(Normal levels is 12-42% and mine is 0.1%)

Unfortunately Thryve does not offer Akkermansia as a supplement and want me to get it through food. I have not been able to find Akkermansia as a supplement on amazon either.

So is food the only way to increase this? Because most of the foods I see (such as pomegranate or cranberries) that are suppose to increase Akkermansia lower blood pressure and I already have low blood pressure... I get really bad headaches and dizziness when my blood pressure lowers more.... Taking salt helps but only for me to manage my life without taking anything that lowers blood pressure.

So my question is:
Can anyone recommend a way to increase Akkermansia without lowering blood pressure?
Thanks so much,

I just bought pendulum akkermensia and have been taking it for a couple of days now.

it is the strangest thing....it gives me a lot of (false?) energy! feels like too much coffee... Not the greatest feeling. I can't really sleep but I also feel good? Or maybe it's just the adrenaline ? anyway, point is it it's the strongest reaction I've ever had to any probiotics. The wired feeling has been getting better by each day. It's very expensive and a serious hassle to get it to Sweden (I had to enlist the help of some American friends )
I will keep you posted on any progress.


Senior Member
Southern California
I just bought pendulum akkermensia and have been taking it for a couple of days now.

it is the strangest thing....it gives me a lot of (false?) energy! feels like too much coffee... Not the greatest feeling. I can't really sleep but I also feel good? Or maybe it's just the adrenaline ? anyway, point is it it's the strongest reaction I've ever had to any probiotics. The wired feeling has been getting better by each day. It's very expensive and a serious hassle to get it to Sweden (I had to enlist the help of some American friends )
I will keep you posted on any progress.

I have just been eating alot of dried cranberries everyday. Cranberries are high in Akkermensia. Never tried pendulum.