Both my husband and I had our brains mapped to see what our brain waves were doing. Both our brains were really messed up. I really can't explain LENS so bare with me here. I have been having ONE single electrode placed on different parts of my brain to affect the different brain waves (Alpha, Theta, Delta, etc). They usually use between 5 to 7 electrodes at once for non-sensitive people. My husband gets 5 electrodes. His tests came back as more normal for all brain waves. I can't explain what "normal" means but the color bars showed big changes and he felt better and I saw he felt better (more energy, less anxiety, etc).
I finally got through enough of the one electrode therapy to get tested and it showed that most of my brain waves were more balanced, but NOT my DELTA Wave brain waves. Delta waves works 24 hours a day and not just at night. Well my Delta waves were worse after the LENS treatment. Great. That sort of explains why I was sleeping out cold for 18 to sometimes 20 hours a day. So now we are using one electrode but at a much shorter period (a few seconds, the least amount of time).
Now the odd thing is that the huge black area that they believe represents a "viral signature" was GONE. No black area, just a nice blue color. They could not tell if that "viral signature" was an active or inactive infection. And they don't know what to say about the viral signature being gone. But here's the real sticker: I had been taking VALTREX (anti-viral for herpes, shingles, and what some think will kill off HHV-6) for two months while going through this LENS treatment. So now we don't know if the LENS treatment had any affect on that viral signature and/or if the Valtrex played into removing that big, scary black area. I'm betting it is the Valtrex.
During the last two months on Valtrex I have had minimal side-effects. For some periods, heavy nightsweats which makes me think that my body was trying to kill off an infection, as it did when I was first sick with CFIDS 16 years ago. Heavy night sweats. So, I am going to stay on the Valtrex for a good six months to a year or as long as my doctor will allow me to stay on it. He and I have fought over anti-virals for 10 years so I may have to keep fighting him to let me stay on this one med. I may win if I can convince him that that black viral signature is gone and it MAY be because of the Valtrex.
Anyone aware of Valtrex and info on it killing off HHV-6 or other viruses that get us? Does anyone know if Valtrex can pass the blood-brain barrier???
I had my tiny little therapy yesterday and slept most of today. So that's not good and that was the reason they dropped my time down even more because of sleeping/exhaustion after a therapy. Guess next week we stop and move to old neurofeedback. I can't allow my Delta waves to be messed up even more. That's what messes with my nighttime sleep and increases fatigue during the day.
Also, since I am the lab rat for CFIDS and brain wave LENS at this practice, the head doctor is working with Dr. Cheney on some sort of study and using my results. So I made certain that the woman who did my electrode placement was aware that I was also taking Valtrex and that this would go back to Dr. Cheney.
Thoughts? Ideas? Insights???? Help!
Ochs Labs, Inc. Home LENS Low Energy Neurofeedback System (EEG) equipment and resource center. ... The LENS, or Low Energy Neurofeedback System, uses a very low power ...
Clinical Providers - 2010 LENS Conference - Resources - Products - Cached - Similar
On the Low Energy Neurofeedback System (LENS) | EEG INFO ... Author: Len Ochs All forms of central nervous system dysfunctions include problems taking in, processing, organizing, and retrieving stimulation. And all. - Cached - Similar
Neurofeedback - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This low frequency training differs greatly from the high frequency beta and ... will move and play when certain brain activity is detected by the system. ...
Definition - Training process - History and application - Cached - Similar
The Low Energy Neurofeedback System Is Now A FDA Certified Medical ... Apr 28, 2009 ... In the latest neurofeedback news, Len Ochs, Ph.D. announced on April 24th in a professional user group that the The Low Energy Neurofeedback ... - Cached - Similar Lens: The Low Energy Neurofeedback System ... A comprehensive look at this revolutionary method of neurofeedback. LENS: The Low Energy Neurofeedback System examines the research, development, ... ... Psychotherapy, TA & NLP - Cached - Similar
Neurofeedback system at the Hallowell Center, Boston's Attention ... The Low Energy Neurofeedback System (LENS) created by Len Ochs, Ph.D. is a form of brain wave biofeedback, or neurofeedback. Neurofeedback is a noninvasive ... - Cached
LENS (Low Energy Neurofeedback System) Maps & Treatment The LENS, or Low Energy Neurofeedback System, is related to traditional neurofeedback but differs in the type and nature of the feedback component. ... - Cached - Similar
LENS - Low Energy Neurofeedback System - The Center for THE LENS - Low Energy Neurofeedback System. (developed by Len Ochs, Ph.D.) What is the LENS? The LENS is a new form of brainwave biofeedback or ... - Cached - Similar
[PDF] The Low Energy Neurofeedback System (The LENS) File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
Larsen, Ph.D., the double-issue of the Journal of Neurofeedback devoted entirely to the LENS as well as LENS: The Low Energy Neurofeedback System, ...
Low Energy Neurofeedback System in York, Yorkshire Low Energy Neurofeedback System or LENS - therapy in York for depression, brain injury, attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity, migraine and more.
I finally got through enough of the one electrode therapy to get tested and it showed that most of my brain waves were more balanced, but NOT my DELTA Wave brain waves. Delta waves works 24 hours a day and not just at night. Well my Delta waves were worse after the LENS treatment. Great. That sort of explains why I was sleeping out cold for 18 to sometimes 20 hours a day. So now we are using one electrode but at a much shorter period (a few seconds, the least amount of time).
Now the odd thing is that the huge black area that they believe represents a "viral signature" was GONE. No black area, just a nice blue color. They could not tell if that "viral signature" was an active or inactive infection. And they don't know what to say about the viral signature being gone. But here's the real sticker: I had been taking VALTREX (anti-viral for herpes, shingles, and what some think will kill off HHV-6) for two months while going through this LENS treatment. So now we don't know if the LENS treatment had any affect on that viral signature and/or if the Valtrex played into removing that big, scary black area. I'm betting it is the Valtrex.
During the last two months on Valtrex I have had minimal side-effects. For some periods, heavy nightsweats which makes me think that my body was trying to kill off an infection, as it did when I was first sick with CFIDS 16 years ago. Heavy night sweats. So, I am going to stay on the Valtrex for a good six months to a year or as long as my doctor will allow me to stay on it. He and I have fought over anti-virals for 10 years so I may have to keep fighting him to let me stay on this one med. I may win if I can convince him that that black viral signature is gone and it MAY be because of the Valtrex.
Anyone aware of Valtrex and info on it killing off HHV-6 or other viruses that get us? Does anyone know if Valtrex can pass the blood-brain barrier???
I had my tiny little therapy yesterday and slept most of today. So that's not good and that was the reason they dropped my time down even more because of sleeping/exhaustion after a therapy. Guess next week we stop and move to old neurofeedback. I can't allow my Delta waves to be messed up even more. That's what messes with my nighttime sleep and increases fatigue during the day.
Also, since I am the lab rat for CFIDS and brain wave LENS at this practice, the head doctor is working with Dr. Cheney on some sort of study and using my results. So I made certain that the woman who did my electrode placement was aware that I was also taking Valtrex and that this would go back to Dr. Cheney.
Thoughts? Ideas? Insights???? Help!
Ochs Labs, Inc. Home LENS Low Energy Neurofeedback System (EEG) equipment and resource center. ... The LENS, or Low Energy Neurofeedback System, uses a very low power ...
Clinical Providers - 2010 LENS Conference - Resources - Products - Cached - Similar
On the Low Energy Neurofeedback System (LENS) | EEG INFO ... Author: Len Ochs All forms of central nervous system dysfunctions include problems taking in, processing, organizing, and retrieving stimulation. And all. - Cached - Similar
Neurofeedback - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This low frequency training differs greatly from the high frequency beta and ... will move and play when certain brain activity is detected by the system. ...
Definition - Training process - History and application - Cached - Similar
The Low Energy Neurofeedback System Is Now A FDA Certified Medical ... Apr 28, 2009 ... In the latest neurofeedback news, Len Ochs, Ph.D. announced on April 24th in a professional user group that the The Low Energy Neurofeedback ... - Cached - Similar Lens: The Low Energy Neurofeedback System ... A comprehensive look at this revolutionary method of neurofeedback. LENS: The Low Energy Neurofeedback System examines the research, development, ... ... Psychotherapy, TA & NLP - Cached - Similar
Neurofeedback system at the Hallowell Center, Boston's Attention ... The Low Energy Neurofeedback System (LENS) created by Len Ochs, Ph.D. is a form of brain wave biofeedback, or neurofeedback. Neurofeedback is a noninvasive ... - Cached
LENS (Low Energy Neurofeedback System) Maps & Treatment The LENS, or Low Energy Neurofeedback System, is related to traditional neurofeedback but differs in the type and nature of the feedback component. ... - Cached - Similar
LENS - Low Energy Neurofeedback System - The Center for THE LENS - Low Energy Neurofeedback System. (developed by Len Ochs, Ph.D.) What is the LENS? The LENS is a new form of brainwave biofeedback or ... - Cached - Similar
[PDF] The Low Energy Neurofeedback System (The LENS) File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
Larsen, Ph.D., the double-issue of the Journal of Neurofeedback devoted entirely to the LENS as well as LENS: The Low Energy Neurofeedback System, ...
Low Energy Neurofeedback System in York, Yorkshire Low Energy Neurofeedback System or LENS - therapy in York for depression, brain injury, attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity, migraine and more.