I started LDN a few months ago with .5mg pills. Once I hit 2.5mg, I suddenly found I was able to go patio furniture shopping. Yes, much of that required sitting in chairs to test them out for comfort, but I haven't been able to be in a store for years for more than 2-3 minutes. I was there for over an hour! And I went shopping both May 25 and June 8. But then I figured since I was doing so well I would quickly get up to 4.5 so I could get one pill (instead of 9!) because more is better, right? Big mistake. I lost all my energy that I was just gaining.
So now I have backed off to 2.5 again for two weeks, and I am starting to feel the life come back into my legs again. I won't be shopping this weekend though! But 4.5 is definitely WAY too much for me. I think I took 4.0 for 2 days before I realized it was too much and I needed to go backwards.
Also, a curious note to say... After I passed 3mg, I found myself not needing a blanket over me all day. I was HOT! To the point that my house temp had dropped to 65F and I hadn't noticed. It was wonderful not being freezing cold all the time in summer. Now my body is normalizing back to the old "cold all the time need blanket over legs," but I'd rather be cold with energy than comfortably warm with no energy. Note that I still had blue toes when I was hot...
Once people find a level that works, are you able to stay there? Or do you lose that gain eventually? I'm hoping I'm at 2.5mg permanently...