Hi temple88, thanks for posting, that sounds awful. Was LDN recommended to you by a professional, or self directed? Were you hoping to address any particular symptoms or just for general support.
Also, what dose did you start off with? My therapist is recommending 2g as a minimum, as he says that below that I will likely get the Herxheimer type symptoms but no endorphin increase to offset these.
Hi folks,
I've been trying LDN on and off over the last 15 months, with pretty good results although quite a few side effects too. I'm 34 and have chronic fatigue which I think is due to Mercury toxicity and gut/yeast issues.
I've found this thread really interesting and useful to compare other people's experience with my own.
WildAtHeart, where you mentioned that your therapist recommended 2mg minimum in order to get the endorphin release to offset die off reaction. This really rings true for me, as recently I've been going lower and lower in dose (down to 0.1mg) to reduce herxing and tiredness (temple88 I agree it's not easy following treatments while working in a busy job!!) but finding the herxing not really changing, but definitely less of the endorphin mood boost I was getting at 1mg. I assumed lower doses that I'd still get the same benefits and side effects as before, just reduced. But I'm now thinking that maybe the benefits reduce more with lower doses, so I'm going to try 2mg and see how that goes.
Fingers crossed, I'll report back soon.
Just for the record here is a summary of the benefits I've been getting:
Better mood overall, more motivation and can enjoy hobbies more (must be those extra endorphins)
Much better response to stress and working in a busy job - feel like I'm in a kind of happy bubble!
Better sleep, faster to fall asleep and stay asleep, plus cool sometimes mental dreams!!
Less inflammation (face looks less puffy, don't have 'tight head' feeling I often have)
Stomach/gut feels much better, not inflamed like it often does
Joints feel more supple and sore knee from an old football injury is much better
Side effects:
Strong die off effect which builds up over a few days
Above makes me tired and brain foggy, which makes me anxious when in busy situations
After a few days of taking LDN libido feels much lower (hopefully higher doses will help this one)
Above effects were at 0.1mg every night before bed.
I've also tried daytime dosing and noticed some benefit, but for me I think before bed is best
Thanks and best wishes to all,