Hi Jenbooks,
Of course it is always hard to pin down what caused what, but here is a general run-down--filtered through horrible memory!
Methylation therapy seems to have helped with OI, fatigue, stamina, excitotoxicity, (i.e. cortisol curves), brain fog (still a problem but less so) and of course getting my detox system going again. (i.e. sweating!)

Also, my CBC's have normalized--no more macrocytic anemia (See the Mark Hyman article I posted on the methylation thread). Also my homocysteine went from high to normal.
LDN does a bunch of things. I am in the process of writing an article on it with another member of this forum who is taking it.
Here is what I have noticed: by "feel good!" I mean I wake up with no symtoms I can recognize, no pain, have more energy (think "Gee, maybe I'll clean the condo today.") and a good mood. Research shows that it tricks the body into producing a lot more endorphins which in turn trigger modulation of the immune system. I also have more physical stamina for exercise and am actually able to exercise for 2 days in a row.
My temperature seems to be normal--no more cold hands and feet.
Each time I've raised the dose--and I am creeping up much more slowly than most--I have noticed these effects for a few days, then my immune system (which has been severely hypoactive) attacks something--usually for me low grade sinus and ear infections that have been there for years--and I feel like crap until that stage of the clean-up job is done.
My hope (and some others have reported) that eventually when I get up to the targeted dose, the immune system will clean up all the back-log and the "feel-normal" effects will become more stable.
Another biggie with LDN that I have experienced and most others report is that after a couple of days of restless sleep each time the dose is raised, I sleep much better in the coming days. For me, this has allowed me to reduce sleep meds

One effect (that is going away) is a brief return of hot flashes (I am post menopausal). There is a known relationship between opiate receptors and the neuroendocrine system. Because naltrexone blocks the opiate receptors for about 4 hours after taking it, I think this blinking on and off of endorphins can confuse the neuroendocrine system till it gets it figured out.
Others I know who are taking it have reported similar immune responses. One person actually got a fever when exposed to the flu after years of subnormal temperature.
That is what I can think of at the moment. Again, there doesn't seem to be any one total solution for us, but I am trying to gently fix the stuff I know is "broke," and hoping that this will allow the body to do more self-healing.