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I take 8000 iu daily. In general 2000 iu vitamin D3 is recommended.
Dear Jayne
1.LDN is an immunosuppressant - not an immunostimulant (as thought - wrongly - by many).
2.We recommended a dosage of 3 - 10 mg/day based on pharmacokinetics. 9 mg/day - getting to the edge but should be okay - this person may not be optimizing her dosage however.
Remember - you only want the LDN working for 4-6 hr/day - the higher the dosage the longer it hangs around and the shorter the time for your endorphins to work.
3.Stress has nothing to do with LDN.
4.I am seeing some people who become tolerant to LDN and need to take it once every 2 and some every 3 days. I can tell you that LDN can work even as long as once every 4 or 5 days.
Dr. Zagon
Further to my earlier email from Dr Zagon, I questioned LDN being an immuno suppressant - please see his response below and articles attached.
Jayne Crocker
Dear Jayne:
We have a paper in press - Immunobiology - that B lymphocytes are
suppressed in cell proliferation by the OGF-OGFr axis - this is how LDN does its job.
When the paper comes out I will send it to you. We have another paper submitted showing that T lymphocytes are also suppressed in cell proliferation by OGF. Our studies under in vivo conditions are underway and stand in agreement with our other results.
I have spent considerable time in these studies reviewing much of the flawed investigations from past researchers giving the false impression that LDN is an immunostimulant. There are papers suggesting otherwise we have nailed it down to the molecular level. Knockdown OGFr and OGF does not work!!!
Now, use your head - would you want more immune response if you have MS or arthritis or lupus. No. This would make autoimmune diseases worse. If I did not do so earlier, I will attach 2 papers on MS.
Dr. Zagon
I think the statement Low Dose Naltrexone boosts the endorphins to modulate/regulate system still stands.
The effects of LDN is to produce OGF which is the immune suppressor and quickly undoes any immune stimulation from the 4-6 hours of natlrexone blockade acting as an immune system stressor. The effect of suppressing the immune system is to return it to zero and ready for the next event and eliminate chronic sickness and immune activation it is my understanding this is called homeostasis.
So the difference between LDN and the CRAB drugs is that LDN stimulates the system that maintains homeostasis and removes chronic sickness, and CRAB drugs knock out some part of the immune function without regards to the overall system.
Jayne Crocker
Hi ggingues
My only experience with LDN and my gut was it caused a lot of problems - awful stomach pains initially on 1.5mg and loss of appetite. So it shows with your gut improvement that we are all different. I take Probiotics & Prebiotics (Inulin).
If I find I can't get LDN prescribed I will go with making my own from 50mg tabs.
Now, use your head - would you want more immune response if you have MS or arthritis or lupus. No. This would make autoimmune diseases worse. If I did not do so earlier, I will attach 2 papers on MS.
Dr. Zagon
Recently I restarted LDN, again at .1mg, butt his time in a compounded cream. The first night I did fine and no problem the day after. The second night I had slight sleep difficulty then a headache the next morning. Third night, same thing - sleep issues, then headache. Fourth night (last night) - worst sleep problems yet - but no headache this morning. Just curious for those of you who have had sleep issues - how many nights did it last? It's been 3 for me and I am hoping for a good night of sleep soon. And I'd like to up the dose since my headaches seem ok.
I am in need of advice or encouragement or something.
I upped my dose to .2mg. So far no headaches (or no bad ones) and the past 2 nights I have slept ok. But yesterday (after my first night at .2mg) my depression reared it's head - lots of crying over everything and anything. Today I am still down. And I have really not been feeling well physically. I thought it was all due to nystatin but I've stopped that and am now thinking nystatin may have only been part of it. I hve been feeling like everything hurts more and my throat hurts and glands swollen and autonomic symptoms worse. Just an overall worsening of symptoms. Is this normal?
Have others felt all their symptoms worsen on ldn? Does it last long? Do I have to just deal with it? I just want to curl up and cry and make it all go away.
Anybody else get depression on this stuff?
I upped my dose to .2mg. So far no headaches (or no bad ones) and the past 2 nights I have slept ok. But yesterday (after my first night at .2mg) my depression reared it's head - lots of crying over everything and anything. Today I am still down. And I have really not been feeling well physically. I thought it was all due to nystatin but I've stopped that and am now thinking nystatin may have only been part of it. I hve been feeling like everything hurts more and my throat hurts and glands swollen and autonomic symptoms worse. Just an overall worsening of symptoms. Is this normal?
Have others felt all their symptoms worsen on ldn? Does it last long? Do I have to just deal with it? I just want to curl up and cry and make it all go away.
Anybody else get depression on this stuff?
I am having a hard time at .2mg. I can get by, I just am not happy about it. It does make me wonder though if at a SUPER low dose it works differently than at a low dose. And maybe we'd be better off at 1.5mg - 2mg? Have you ever tried a higher dose? I know Diva talked about trying it too...
Do you know how long it takes to be absorbed and become bio-active? I'm asking because if you are awake during the hours (6 or so) where your opiate receptors are blocked, some people do feel down and depressed. This is, I believe, the main reason to take it at night and thus sleep through this. But the cream may take longer to become active?
As far as feeling worse in general and symptoms increasing, this did happen to me when I upped my dose each time. Each "bout" lasted about a week or however long it took for the immune system to deal with whatever it was battling.
I was thinking of going to a much higher dose after tolerating 1.5mg.
However I've had some periods of incredibly bad FM pain with scary chest pains. When I've had these episodes I've stopped LDN. It's difficult to know if these are just bad FM flares or if they are related to LDN stirring up the pains. I've read that LDN can stir up pains but it's almost impossible to ride on through these pains so I've chickened out of trying the much higher dose.
I've been reading the Yahoo LDN boards and found that some only take very small doses on alternative days or even only once a week and do well on that. It seems that some are super sensitive (don't we know it!) but do well on the very small dosing schedule.
With this in mind my latest experiment has been taking 0.5mg on alternative days. I found that the nights I take LDN I fall asleep quickly and sleep solidly which is great but the day after my pains are really bad. Then my off-LDN days I don't sleep well but the pains are manageable and I even had the energy to do some chores.
It's so frustrating getting the dosing schedule right. I do feel there are benefits for me with LDN but it's getting the balance right. Does it all even out in the end and you get all benefits or is it a day on, day off benefits??
I do think you have to be careful i thik i am coming to the conclusion someone else on this thread did that it is actually immuno-suppresant not a modulater because some issues actually seem to get worse but as I have severe MCS, allergies I am hoping it is helpful for that, it also might mean when you stop you may have stirred up stuff like candida etc which may not have been such a big issue before, it is deffinately difficult and to anyone struggling on a really dose yes i do think it effects you. My libido has increased from these tiny amounts which i think is supposed to be a side affect at much higher doses and this did make me terribly depressed at first too.