mixing LDN, i'm wondering if it's a good way, altough dosing doesn't have to be very accurate. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOekLFIvR7I
mixing LDN, i'm wondering if it's a good way, altough dosing doesn't have to be very accurate. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOekLFIvR7I
Bless Dr. Bihari ..
Prof. De Meirleir told me he was not to big on LDN. It was not adressing the cause he told me and gives only symptomatic relief. But i'm wondering if he will adress the cause with me. If it's good symptomatic relief, which i'm starting to feel, then it's good enough for me.
Bless Dr. Bihari ..
Prof. De Meirleir told me he was not to big on LDN. It was not adressing the cause he told me and gives only symptomatic relief. But i'm wondering if he will adress the cause with me. If it's good symptomatic relief, which i'm starting to feel, then it's good enough for me.
I get mine online from internationaldrugmart.com (India) You have to have a prescription.I think one of the on line sites to buy Naltrexone is unitedpharmacies.com They are cheap, but depends on the rules of the costums of your country if you can get it without problems.The name there is Nodict, generic Revia, from India.Dont kown about the safety of the products from India.
I noticed that someone at the recent Glasgow LDN conference mentioned that LDN might work by working on the microglia as well as opiod receptors.
It was just a throw-away comment, but it reminded me of something that Dr Nancy Klimas reportedly said .. which is that a study is coming out that suggests LDN has another mechanism of action other than the one we know about.
Sorry to be so vague. Don't have the energy to dig deeper, but maybe the more informed and/or functional might know something about this?
Frank ,if you are from Belgium and you are patient of Dr.De Meirleir, Do yo know if he is having succes treating patients with his treatments ?Do you know if some of the patients improve in some weeks or months? Is well worth to see him?
I'm using liquid Antaxone from GoldPharma. The cost was $76 all in, about 3 month's supply if I make a new batch every week with 50mg. .
Most of the time it feels like I'm winning with LDN, but last week was not so good. Seems a bit better now. My blood pressure is more stable, weight is steady/slightly reducing, activity had increased, getting on with a few projects, I don't get that 'unplugged' feeling so much. So far (apart from last week) so good.
I'm on ldn for 2 months now; at first it did do something, but no major differences Now unfortunately.