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Lots of long COVID patients reporting major improvements with lactoferrin


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Ok it's happened again. Whilst I'm slowly improving from COVID I've had some symptoms that are chronic like the neck and shoulder pain + very bad cognitive issues "brain lag" not really brainfog. Fatigue in upper body as well as a lot of inflammation.

Lactoferrin didn't help with the inflammation only low dose hydrocortisone worked for that (I just did two 5mg doses a week apart to trt to help) the second dosing seems to have worked better.

I'll see how this week goes but I took lactoferrin thismorning and got all the same benefits. Haven't had to take any aspirin which is great.


Senior Member
Lactoferrin didn't help with the inflammation only low dose hydrocortisone worked for that (I just did two 5mg doses a week apart to trt to help) the second dosing seems to have worked better.
I can't remember if I have asked this before but have you tried taking high dose Vitamin C (regular or liposomal) with hydrocortisone?


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Just played a game for 2 hours with symptoms (but not severe fatigue) took 1200mg lactoferrin beforehand I had 900mg lactoferrin thismorning. I did feel like I was crashing after an hour but the first hour I felt quite strongly neuro buffered like I wasn't going backwards too much. I'll update tomorrow to see how bad the crash is, but the lactoferrin absolutely helped. Up to this point I haven't been able to game for more han 20 minues without getting severe brain lag.

Next day did have some fatigue in legs and head was pretty bad, but I think more to the point I didn't have a severe crash, it was a mild one instead. Mostly got brainfog really. I took 600mg thismorning and the fatigue went, no neck and shoulder pain either - maybe that was a herx hard to say unless I stop the lactoferrin.
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Senior Member
United Kingdom
This appeared to stop working for me. But I took slightly lower doses I had a very bad head cold which has reactivated COVID? I think. And I've also been reacting to cedar pollen for the first time in my life. Last year was my worst ever pollen season. My winters are now better than my summers! Used to be the other way round.

Anyway I've restarted at 1500mg. Been taking 900 but that seemingly isn't enough. After taking the 1500 I felt a lot calmer but my heart rate continues to be higher than it was a week ago. I've got a new wearable so I can now track hrv and heart rate precisely but I do wish I had data from before this week.

I'll let you know if it works again. It definitely gives a boost in energy. But I noticed with this 1500mg dose that I'm experiencing a brainfog herx. So will see if that is a responder symptom.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
I ran out of this for awhile and took 300mg a day for about 10 to 14 days and have been struggling with energy now for abotu 3 weeks. The two may not be related but I took 1200mg today as I bought more (£50 a bottle!!) and my neck and shoulder pain came back but I think I do have a bit more energy today. So I am thinking that the neck and shoulder pain might actually be caused by a herx as it had gone away for roughly the same amount of time that my energy has been low and I've been off lactoferrin.

@Alvin2 so expensive!

I might try taking 2g a day as well, as that still seems to be within a safe limit. I am going to try and get a comprehensive blood workup done too just to see what is going on with iron and ferritin levels. If I can afford it.


Senior Member
There is this liposomal lactoferrin product from Pepeior in Amazon. It contains 1000 mg of apolactoferrin in one huge softgel capsule and the bottle contains 60 capsules, costs ~20€. I am a bit sceptic that it actually contains that amount and it actually is apolactoferrin but I bought it and have taken it a few times. First time I noticed a slight reduction in brain fog and some gut irritation from it.
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I had a good few weeks on lactoferrin when I first tried it about a year ago. Maybe 30% symptom improvement. Now I am on it again for the last weeks and it is working. Makes me wish I had tried again sooner. I will keep updating about how long it lasts.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Just thought I'd let you all know I tried apo lactoferrin jarrow brand and noticed no difference. That is life extension and jarrow seem to confer the same benefits.

Also all my iron markers came back totally normal with no discernable deviation from markers with no lactoferrin being taken.

I'll probably keep taking it but not sure what it really does. Suspect it'll be a sunset now we have clear phenotyping.

Like 20% of LC patients don't seem to get microclots or rather they get them briefly but clear them easily. Makes sense they wouldn't respond to natto for example..


Senior Member
United Kingdom
So I got COVID again two weeks ago. I didn't notice much from lactoferrin when I had COVID or pre COVID. I'd begun to feel better from my second infection and was improving.

However with infection no 3 it was mild and I was sick for about 6 days. But I recovered much much faster than I normally do jad have had low fatigue and brainfog.

However on Sunday I started to feel unwell with dizziness and physical fatigue. This continued into Monday but was much worse and today. I took everything today to get rid of the weakness and no energy type fatigue I was experiencing. The only thing that's made a huge difference today is lactoferrin. I took four life extension caps and my energy has come back. I also had some very bad gas briefly which suggests that there's a lot of COVID in my intestine.

I felt like I was drowning in mucus when I had COVID and I'm convinced my intestine is full of it. One theory with quite a lot of evidence behind it now is that COVID infections reseed via the gut when a person is weaker than usual (PEM) and this creates new infection. I keep getting bouts of COVID like symptoms I had it before and after COVID and again this weekend. I think it's covid reseeding.

I've also got some larozotide coming which may help me get through this difficult period. Also vivomixx has a big impact too.

So all three of these things act on the microbiome and probably arrest some of the COVID virus in the intestine. That's my theory anyway!