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Looking Forward: Research Initiatives 2012


Senior Member
Cornwall England
As a new year begins, we look ahead to research initiatives under way to help better define CFS, understand its biological underpinnings, discover biomarkers, identify objective diagnostics and determine better treatment approaches. There are many individual grantees at work, too. (Find links to reports on the Associations grantees here: http://www.research1st.com/2011/11/28/accelerate/)

This post is dedicated to institutionally or privately sponsored initiatives that were announced in 2011. Look for the green text for the next steps we expect to see this year.

01 January 2012: http://www.research1st.com/2012/01/...&utm_campaign=Feed:+Research1st+(Research1st)


Senior Member
Cornwall England
I didn't know about this one:

'The NIH Clinical Center is undertaking a study of CFS patients, especially those who have been tested for XMRV with either positive or negative results. The NIH Clinical Center is the nations largest hospital devoted exclusively to clinical research. Teams of researchers, including collaborators at academic institutions, translate scientific observations and laboratory discoveries into new approaches for diagnosing, treating and preventing disease. The study has completed enrollment and testing of samples is currently being completed. In 2012: Results will be submitted for publication.'

Interesting - I mean not the most interesting of them all but interesting because I didn't know about it!


Senior Member
Cornwall England
Or more understanding. I'd settle for that. Mind you a 'biomarker' would be great - something to be used for diagnosis and recognition and even treatment - though that's probably hoping for too much I guess.

Agreement would be nice - you know over the criteria and where we 'fit' in terms of categorisation. But that would be Government involvement and they don't do agreement do they? Lol

Ah well. I felt pretty good reading through the list. Not a bad start to the New Year.


Senior Member
Thanks firestormm - great news as research at last accelerates. Multi discipline for multi symptom ME. In my 12 years I've always felt biomarkers vital (catch early) before all the rest sets in.