Looking for the cheapest source of Isoprinosine


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)

i used inosine awhile ago and got improvement in all symptoms, i even started sleeping naturally, which insomnia is one of my worst symptoms. This lasted 6-8 weeks, then slowly declined back to where i was. After a few months off, i started again using the same brand etc but this time couldnt repeat the results, although it did help with aches and pains, maybe because of its antioxidant effects in that it increases uric acid levels.

Would like to find a cheap source of immunovir to see if there is a difference between it and inosine. Being from australia , i dont think there is a source here, but would have to order from overseas, its pricey. Also interested in away to convert regular inosine to immunovir too!



Aristocrat Extraordinaire
Hi Garcia,

Sorry just wrote the post below and then checked and you had PM'd me about it. Thanks! Still wanting to know info below when you have a chance. I will let you know more about French isoprinosine for your curiosity if nothing else.

"Just PM'd you about this but looks like your meds arrived already. I hope you don't think me tedious, but I am interested in where it was manufactured.

The stuff I got over the counter in France was manufactured in France by Sanofi Aventis. I think Newport owns the license but others manufacture it?

Anyway, I cannot find on Goldpharma the stuff manufactured in France -- only in the Emirates.

At any rate, sounds like yours is good stuff. Hoping you are better real soon and that we can indeed cook up our homemade stuff at a lower cost."

Thanks again

Hi Mary,
I don't know where the Imunovir was made (there is nothing written in English), but I uploaded the box writing for you here.

You posted on another list that it costs 10 euros a box in France. I was just wondering how many tablets there were per box?

many thanks,


Senior Member
There has been much controversy about this:

Last year a friend got me a 6 month supply of isoprinosine over the counter while she was in France.

When I posted this info here and on another site, others said that their French friends reported the drug was not available without an rx. Kind of crazy making.

Just this week, my stepmother was able to purchase isoprinosine over the counter for me in France. Unfortunately she is not in France long enough for the pharmacy to order in as much as I need.

Therefore, here is the latest:

You can buy isoprinosine over the counter in France.
You cannot have a French pharmacy ship it outside of France.

Hope this helps clear this up.

Hi Marylib,

Can you give me the details of the French pharmacy where your stepmother obtained the Isoprinosine? I'm in the UK and I'm wondering whether they'd be prepared to ship the drug to another EU country.


Senior Member
Has anyone here actually used Goldpharma?

Their prices seem extremely cheap but they don't provide an address on their website which is never a good sign.


Senior Member
Isoprinosine from France; and gold phama

Hi Orion and Garcia,

Garcia, the boxes I got from France last year were 40 tablets per box. The cost at that time was 9.95 euros per box. These were manufactured in France, according to the Sanofi-Aventis branch in NZ.

Orion, I believe it is Garcia who has ordered from Gold Pharma. There is also another post somewhere on this forum from a European who said he always orders from them.

Garcia kindly send an image of the box he got from Gold Pharma, as you can see in a previous post. If you know anyone who reads Greek, I would love a translation. From doodling about on the web, it looks like the Goldpharma stuff comes from a pharmaceutical company in Greece, possibly manufactured in the Emirates? Pretty hard to figure out because of the language gap.

Anyone know anyone who reads Greek ....it is all ...Greek to me -- sorry, could not resist:cool:

Orion, my stepmother is not home yet. She said that she stopped in 6 or 7 French pharmacies during her brief stay, and each pharmacy only had a box or two in stock, those that had any at all. Last year, a friend in Normandy somewhere managed to get the local pharmacy to order in 25 boxes for me. She sent them in the post to NZ, where they were held up by Medsafe until I showed Medsafe my prescription.

My stepmother was told that the French pharmacie would not post it outside of the country; I guess that means the UK as well.

Best bet is to find someone who knows someone who is either living in France or can spend some time there to order in the isoprinosine for you. I wish I knew someone who could do that for me. Maybe there is an angel out there somewhere.

Hope this helps. Sorry it seems complicated.


Senior Member
For Garcia

I have found someone who can translate the Greek for me, but I need to be able to send it by email.
Is there some sort of format that you can use to send me that writing on the box?

Yours in gratitude and ignorance,


Senior Member
Hi Marylib,

Thanks for your reply. The reason why I wondered whether the French pharmacy would be willing to ship to the UK is because of EU trade harmonisation laws. Those laws mean that one EU country cannot impose trade barriers against another.

Possibly there's an exemption against pharmaceuticals. But if not, then it would actually be illegal for UK customs to seize any drugs that I ordered from France.

Hi Garcia,

I note that you're in the UK. Can you tell me the address of the French pharmacy that you used. Also, did you have to travel to France to get the drug, or was it posted to you?

Do you think it's better to order from France or Goldpharma? What concerns me about Goldpharma (apart from the possibility of losing my money) is that they might be selling counterfeit drugs.


Aristocrat Extraordinaire
Hi Orion, when I said french pharmacy I meant goldpharma. It is the real thing. Alternatively you can always get a private prescription and buy from your local pharmacy (e.g. boots).

Its annoying that goldpharma don't sell to the US.

Mary, if you right click the image and then choose "Save as" you can save it as a jpeg to your desktop. Then you can attach that image to an email.

Altenatively you can just email the translator the URL of the image:

hope that helps,


Senior Member
I dont know if this will help anyone but I also ordered Isoprinosine/Methisoprinol recently in case I decide to try it. I got it from Goldpharma too but perhaps I got a different box as there is some English translation of the basic stuff on the box eg ingredients, how to store etc., although the information leaflet is all written in Greek.

It also says that it is manufactured in the EU and there is a website on the box..


There is English translation on the site and you have to register with them if you want to see a list of their products.


Senior Member
Hi Orion, when I said french pharmacy I meant goldpharma. It is the real thing. Alternatively you can always get a private prescription and buy from your local pharmacy (e.g. boots).

Hi Garcia,

Thanks for clarifying that. I'm somewhat reassured that the drug that Goldpharma is selling is manufactured in France, although I seriously doubt that Goldpharma themselves are a French company.

As far as getting a private prescription is concerned, I object on principle to paying through the nose for a pointless consultation just to obtain a drug. So I think I'm going to take my chances with Goldpharma. I just need to find a reasonably safe way to make the payment.


Senior Member
for Orion

Hi Orion,
I am not at all sure it is manufactured in France. Am in the process of getting the box translated from Greek.

If it were manufactured in France, it would be manufactured by Sanofi Avensis (I have some boxes from France, you see.)

I believe the stuff from Goldpharma is manufactured by Uni-Pharma...can't yet tell where it is manufactured until my Greek assistant ;) weighs in. Over the English Goldpharma site, it kinda looked like it was made in "AE" which I believe is The Arab Emirates (Dubai.)

Still don't know yet.


Senior Member
Hi Orion,
I am not at all sure it is manufactured in France. Am in the process of getting the box translated from Greek.

If it were manufactured in France, it would be manufactured by Sanofi Avensis (I have some boxes from France, you see.)

I believe the stuff from Goldpharma is manufactured by Uni-Pharma...can't yet tell where it is manufactured until my Greek assistant ;) weighs in. Over the English Goldpharma site, it kinda looked like it was made in "AE" which I believe is The Arab Emirates (Dubai.)

Still don't know yet.

Thanks for letting me know.

Incidentally, I've just done a dummy payment run on Goldpharma's site and when you get to the checkout they add on an arbitrary £5.40 "prescription" charge and the shipping's pretty expensive as well. They're still reasonably cheap even with these extra charges tacked on but that type of sharp practise leaves a bad taste in the mouth.

Hysterical Woman

Senior Member
East Coast
For those of you getting immunovir from non-US sources

Hi Guys,

Beckster posted on another thread that part of the new proposed health care bill will take away american's ability to buy any medication out of the country - Canada, etc. Does anyone else know about this? I couldn't begin to understand politics when I was well, I certainly can't understand what is happenning with it now.

Beckster also states that a Dougan amendment had been proposed to allow people to still be able to get drugs from out of the country, but that proposal failed.

How will that impact all of you who are currently getting immunovir?




Senior Member
How are people doing on the isoprinosine?

Reason I ask is that I'm going to France for 2 weeks in a few days (finally able to spend some time out of bed after 6 months!), and Marylib was saying you could buy it over the counter at pharmacies there.

Does anyone know - is it just a matter of trying local pharmacies, or are some pharmacy chains more likely than others to have it? (Does France actually have pharmacy chains -perhaps not?)



Killer, Clown, Priestess
Despite a lot of the BS posted on the web, I am fairly certain that mail order importation of prescription drugs into the USA has been flat out illegal for a long time. That said, most people do get away with it. Some packages are seized but most result in no further action. If your package is seized and it contains narcotics or anabolic steroids, you will hear from the feds sooner or later. Peace, S


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
i think you can order up to 3 months worth of medication, but as mentioned no no for steriods, narcotics and benzo's. This seems to be the case in australia and i think have read the same in USA. Can anyone confirm this??


Senior Member
i think you can order up to 3 months worth of medication, but as mentioned no no for steriods, narcotics and benzo's. This seems to be the case in australia and i think have read the same in USA. Can anyone confirm this??

I believe that under the Bush administration the importation of drugs from outside the USA was (and still is) prohibited. However, customs knows this was just a present to Big Pharma so they could jack prices in the US. For a three month supply with a Dr's prescription included with the shipment, customs normally doesn't stop importation. I have personally been ordering out of the country for years like this and have had no problems.